What's up Roll20 community! I'll get straight to the point... I'm looking to run the Pathfinder "Skull & Shackles" adventure path and I am wondering how many of you folks are interested in becoming... PIRATE KINGS!!! I'm an experienced GM (20+ years), but new to the VTT scene. I've been fooling around with Roll20 for a while now, and I'm ready to get a real campaign running. This interest recon is mainly to do some pre-game organizing on SCHEDULING mostly. I'm VERY FLEXIBLE with my play times. I just need an enthusiastic group that can stick to a consistent schedule. I live in United States, East coast (GMT/UTC -5), but I'm seriously flexible. If I can find a group that can all stay on a regular schedule, I'll play in the middle of the night, early morning, lunch, DON'T CARE... just want to game!!! :) I'm only looking for 4 or 5 players. I'm a nice guy and hate turning people away, but I don't manage large groups well. Also, I run games for "MATURE AUDIENCES ONLY", only 21 years or older need apply. Experienced players PREFERRED, but not required. Headsets w/mic HIGHLY PREFERRED. I hate hearing my own echo, or whatever is going on around your computer. Webcam not required. Not sure if we will use video or not... For now, rules allowed can be found at <a href="http://paizo.com/prd/" rel="nofollow">http://paizo.com/prd/</a> although a few house rules will be implemented, and "third party rules" will be considered on a case by case basis. Post a reply on here or send me a private message on my profile page if you are interested.