Hi, I'm looking for a pool of players who would want to join in various one-shot or short Call of Cthulhu 7th edition adventures. I will run these games on Saturdays, with timings varying from weekend to weekend, but normally 6pm (UK time) onwards, with 4-6 hour sessions being usual. The unifying element will be a player-created / player-led Investigation Agency, of which all characters will be members. Some downtime play will probably also develop, with a board of directors making decisions regarding budgets etc for the Agency. I will limit the number of players, but potentially each player can field a large number of characters, all members of the Agency. I haven't sorted out all of the details as yet, but things will solidify as we play. I anticipate that we will start early in September, with 2-3 sessions per month. Invites will be sent out to all members. Drop me a reply if you're interested - anyone who can play in the stated timezone will be welcome. As it is Cthulhu, expect some fairly adult / violent themes - maybe some harsh language and screaming. Cheers, Simon