So I've been working on a roll table and it's coming along, until I tried adding some logic. I have an issue I'm struggling to solve though. I want to be able to check the dice result of an inline roll, and if the dice result is above 95, display a hidden section. Game-wise I'm trying to add a section that appears in the template to display if a weapon jams. The code looks like this: <rolltemplate class="sheet-rolltemplate-rt_attack">
<tr><td>{{roll}}{{#rollGreater() roll 95}}<span class="tcat">{{jam}}</span>{{/rollGreater() roll 95}}</span></td></tr>
</rolltemplate> Which outputs like so But when I implement the actual code of the attack macro, which checks for levels of success, I get this: Even though the dice result is above 95, it doesn't matter, as the rollGreater function is checking the total for the result. It won't be possible to have rollGreater check for the correct degree of success either, as this will be different once modifiers are included. Is there something I can do to only check for the dice result? Is there a way of setting what dice results trigger rollWasCrit and rollWasFumble ? Or would it be possible with some wizardry to have the dice be rolled in a hidden inline roll and have it referenced for the macro? Thanks!