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Making Character sheet abilities appear as macros


Edited 1566208097
So I’m brand new to roll20 and have been watching a ton of how to videos, reading and just experimenting with the program. I have a group and we’re going to be running a short pathfinder 2e adventure next week. I’ve set up maps and started filling out enemy stat sheets. I’ve noticed you can macro in token actions which is awesome however I wanted to know if there was a short cut between typing in all this info twice (once on the character sheet and once on the macro)? Similarly is there a way to get right from a token to the character sheet for that token as thus far I seem to need to go to my journal for that?

Edited 1566216688
Scott C.
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Welcome to Roll20 Twitchy, For making token actions out of sheet rolls, you can simply call the roll button like it was an ability . For getting to the sheet, simply shift-double click the token.
Forum Champion
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You can also drag a sheet button directly to the macro bar. Then you can right click to rename or recolor it. The GM probably has too many things on their macro bar already to do this for all the npcs, but players certainly can. You won't even need your token selected to use them.
Awesome thanks for the help that’ll save a ton of time

Edited 1566235418
Hmm, to much of a noob at this, tried following that guide and nothings working. For context I have a creature called the choker from pathfinder. In it's character sheet it has an ability called yank, which if I click from the sheet works fine. However when trying to make it a token action I go to "Attributes and Abilities", click to create a new ability, and then I'm not sure what to type. I've tried /yank, #yank, @yank, and upon reading it again tried "Choker|@yank" and none of them link to the ability on it's character sheet, instead they just show what I typed when clicked.
Sheet Author
Click on the roll from the sheet.  Then put your cursor in the chat input window.  Press the up arrow to show the code of the roll that was just done.  Copy/paste that into your ability for the token macro.  That should give you a functioning macro.
Scott C.
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Kraynic said: Click on the roll from the sheet.  Then put your cursor in the chat input window.  Press the up arrow to show the code of the roll that was just done.  Copy/paste that into your ability for the token macro.  That should give you a functioning macro. Or, if you don't want to have to have a whole macro code in the ability and/or want it to update as you make changes to the sheet (for repeating section rolls), then you could just call the character sheet ability via the ability call syntax (e.g. %{Character name|ability_name}). To get this name, most sheets have the name of the roll button in a hover triggered title that you can find by hovering over the ability button. If that doesn't work you can always right click and "inspect" the ability button to see what it is called. Remember to add the repeating section information if it is in a repeating section (a place where you add entries via a plus button).

Edited 1566236630
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Button rolls are a special type of Ability and you address those with %{name}. So ideally you hsould be able to use %{yank} However, button roll abilities always need a character name, like so %{bilbo|yank} Since these are going to be used as token actions, you can also use use %{selected|yank} That makes it easier to copy abilities between characters. But they wont work if ever used from the attributes & abilities tab (unless the token happens to be selected). They work great as token actions, because if you can see a token action, the token is always selected. Edit: ninja'd . And Scott reminds me I'd forgotten about repeating sections. That adds a bit of a complication.
Kraynic said: Click on the roll from the sheet.  Then put your cursor in the chat input window.  Press the up arrow to show the code of the roll that was just done.  Copy/paste that into your ability for the token macro.  That should give you a functioning macro. Thanks that worked like a charm. Also holy crap the code is a heck of a lot longer than I thought to get the detail from the sheet, never would have figured that out but your method is much quicker.
Forum Champion
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Another way to find that name is to drag it to the macro bar as described above. The default name displayed is the name of the macro to call.