the title states, I am in need of a player for a Way of the
Wicked(WotW) campaign. I am not the DM for the game but the DM has
asked me to post and to help with player selection, so here I am.
WotW is a decidedly evil campaign where you play the role of villains
with designs of world domination. It is not a campaign for people
that want to play with the mindset of "me vs everyone else".
It is more for people who view the world as "good vs evil"
and are willing to actively work with another group of like-minded
individuals to accomplish a set of evil goals. In
trying to keep this initial post and to the point, I'll make a short
list of what we're looking for in potential players and answer other
questions or clarify points as they come up. •
and foremost, there will be ZERO PvP. It will absolutely not be
tolerated. Likewise there will be no stealing from party members.
There should be absolutely no serious inter-party conflict of any
kind. Some disagreements, both in and out of character, are going to
happen but you will need to be willing to work with the group just as
you would in any "normal" Pathfinder campaign. •
we'd like to invite someone who has a bit of experience with
Pathfinder. Being new will not exclude you from playing outright but
we're all pretty experienced with the game so we'd like to get
someone who is equally experienced. Years and years of experience is
not necessary but if you're looking to learn Pathfinder, there are
other games on this website for you to do so with. •
will need to be able to regularly dedicate yourself to the time slot.
That means being there on time and ready to play. It also means being
focused on the game and not going AFK with so much regularity that it
disrupts the game. Things happen and situations arise that prevent
people from being 100% capable of making every single game without
fail but those situations should be the exception and not the norm. •
will be starting at level 4. The party is made up of a Werebear
Alchemist, a Half-Elf Oracle, and a Human Wizard. Another melee class
will be needed to help the Alchemist protect the dress-wearing hippies in the
group. •
will be rolled as 1d10+7 and will be rolled "down the line".
You will be able to choose one stat to put an 18 in and one stat to
put an 8 in. For example, if you choose Strength for your 18 and
Charisma for your 8, your first roll would be your Dexterity score
while your next roll would be your Constitution score, and so on. You
will roll two arrays like this. You will then choose one of the two
arrays. From there you can choose one ability score to reroll in your
chosen array. Once that is done you will add your racial modifiers
and you will have your stat line. •
any Paizo source has been allowed thus far. Your race choice will be
limited to humanoid races. Things like Aasimar and Tieflings have
been banned by the DM and I don't know what other races he might want
to ban so the final word on your race will come from him. Core races
are pretty much perfectly fine. • The free player's guide can be found here . You will choose one campaign trait from the guide and one non-campaign trait. • Starting
wealth will be somewhere around 1000g. • An initial backstory is required. It does not need to be super detailed and account for every single choice your character has made and it does not need to go back four generations. Something somewhat short and to the point while giving a general idea of your character is what we're looking for. That should just about do it for now. Feel free to either reply here or message me directly. Good luck!