I think anyone who might be able to help you would need more context and concrete code examples to say much anything. What character sheet sis you use originally, and do you have a link to your version of the sheet? And did you view your sheet inside the game itself, or only the preview window for custom sheets? It's never 100% accurate, and should only be seen as an approximate representation of how the sheet looks like. Some sheets use a bit of advanced sheetworkers(javascript) to adjust some visuals of a sheet and might rely on attribute values from a sheet, neither of which can be accessed in the preview window. One example could be that each character sheet gets created with a hidden attribute named "sheetpage" , and it's numerical value might control which of the character sheet's pages it is showing, in the case of sheet's with multiple pages. From the little I have to go with, I can tell you that some sheets have used the "height=0" -trick to temporally hide sections, or to toggle between having a section in "view" or "edit"-mode. If you search the CSS you are likely finding the same section being changed of some other condition is met, such as a related checkbox being checked.