Hello Everyone,
I’m running a tutorial game so folks can learn about Fate and learn how to GM Fate. This would be for a single session, scheduled for this Friday, September 27, 6:30 PM PDT (GMT-7).
I have 3 players so far and have room for 2-3 more players. Let me know if you are interested in learning to play and GM Fate.
“Learning to Play Fate/Learning to GM Fate”
This will be a single session one-shot “how to” course on Fate. Players new to Fate are the target demographic as well as those interested in GMing since we need more Fate GMs!
While fun is appropriate, we’ll be covering a lot of ground and won’t have too much time to actually do much roleplaying.
Reading the rules, available on Fate SRD, would be extremely helpful, as would review of the subjects outlined below. Familiarity with Roll20, via the excellent provided tutorials, would also be extremely helpful.
The session could involve Round Robin GMing (depending on whether we speed through setting creation), with each participant having their own PC and taking on the GM role at least once during the session.
The System would be Fate Accelerated Edition for simplicity.
The Setting would be determined collaboratively ala something akin to A Spark in Fate Core by Jason Pitre.
Characters would be built as play progressed. High Concept and Trouble would be defined first, then other Aspects, Approaches and Stunts defined during play.
The Agenda for this session (very rough)
- Brainstorm genre, setting, defining setting Aspects
- Brainstorm on character archetypes and Aspects
- Choosing which player wants to play what
- Create High Concept and Trouble for PCs
- Start the game in the initial situation
- Round Robin GMs, with everyone taking a turn