Finderski said: Kenton said: Could this be done with Logic in Roll Templates ? Possibly, but it could get really large, because you'd have to have logic set for every face of the die and you'd have to have logic for the max number of dice that could be rolled (as far as I've found, there's no looping thing). Additionally, the roll formula would have to send each die separately. So, regardless, roll templates aren't necessarily a good solution for this sort of thing. And forget about it if you have to do any summing of values...can't do it, because each die would need to be sent separately. If I had the votes, the top two character sheet development issues that I would make suggestions for are in this paragraph. Roll Template looping. From making a dynamic number of roll fields (e.g. {{r1}} {{r2}} ... {{rn}}) to easier nested logic, the ability to loop a set of roll template code some number of times would be amazing Allow "inline rolls" based on roll template results. This would include conditionally displaying 3d dice based on what the roll result would need as well as the ability to create calculations that are done via the roll template. And, now back to the actual topic. I also wholeheartedly endorse the suggestion here (although I don't have any free votes). Even for systems that don't have custom dice, there are a variety of uses for the ability to define custom dice and/or rollable tables in the sheet's code. For Starfinder, I currently have a moderately complicated roll template coded for rolling starship glitches. If we could define a rollable table in the sheet code, that roll template could be dramatically shortened. To add on to the OP's suggestion, I might suggest that from a mechanics viewpoint, these could be defined in the sheetworker code (or a similar tag) as JSON. Something like a function call that would be called at sheet load up: addCustomRoll("die name",[//An array of arrays [[array of die indices],die value,custom die image url], ]); Note that there should probably be a separate, similar function for adding a sheet defined table. The custom rolls and tables should probably be called by a syntax something like: 1c[customRollName] 1ct[customTableName] Here's hoping some people with votes are interested enough in this, Scott EDIT: Stretch goal - If you could define a custom roll (or even table) in a chat message would be awesome. Something like: /cr f6:-1,-1,0,0,2,2 /r 2f6
roll result would look like:
rolling 2f6
-1 + 2 = 1