Working with some small Macro implementing while utilizing the Pathfinder Community sheet. I'm an individual who attempts to simplify everything as much as possible. &{template:pf_block} @{toggle_accessible_flag} @{toggle_rounded_flag} {{font=@{apply_specfont_chat}@{use_specfont}}} {{scroll_desc=@{scroll-desc}}} {{color=@{rolltemplate_color}}} {{header_image=@{header_image-pf_block-item}}} {{character_name=@{character_name}}} {{character_id=@{character_id}}} {{subtitle}} {{name=@{name}}} {{location=^{location@{location}} }} {{hasuses=@{has_uses}}} {{qty=@{qty}}} {{qty_max=@{qty_max}}} {{shortdesc=@{short-description}}} {{description= **!Stat Info!** **HP** [[@{repeating_item_-lqtpxf4nrsp-5fifcbp_item-hp}]]/[[@{repeating_item_-lqtpxf4nrsp-5fifcbp_item-hp|max}]] **Max** @{description}}} This topic focuses on this very macro > [[@{repeating_item_**-lqtpxf4nrsp-5fifcbp**_item-hp}]] **-lqtpxf4nrsp-5fifcbp** < This ID is extremely helpful, as I'm able to implement desired attributes associated only with the desired Item. The inconvenient part, however, is this slight Custom Macro I've placed down isn't a default Macro. Which means I'll need my players for any new items they add to their character sheets or move about, will have to... A) Place the Macro in the Macro Text as so. A Copy and Paste. B) Replace the ID with the Item's appropriate ID. Is there a macro loop-hole that can simplify these steps? My desires is simply one Macro that can auto-pull the Item's ID for the copied-Paste Macro to utilize. This would help in huge abundance as I'll be capable of displaying item information more appropriately instead of small detail such as Name and description. (I could just put this information in the description, but the Items have more appeal when they auto-update information on the fly by simply pressing the "Roll" button, displaying any and all information the players may have changed.)