I suggest that the rules for posting games to the LFG-listings shouldn't allow people to deliberately state wrong game time, in order to bump their game to the (relative) top of the listing. My suggested addition is "Do not deliberately provide erroneous information about your game in order to get more visibility on the LFG-listings or the pick-up games" Firstly, I would like to say that I understand that games might be postponed or cancelled for a lot of reasons. However, many games posted in the listings clearly state that they have no intention of actually run at the stated time, but are posted for advertising. While I do understand the need to make games visible, I can see how this is disrupting the LFG-listing. Mainly, this makes it harder to find out what games are actually available at a given time, disrupting the sorting function. Apart form this, I have experienced a good deal of confused players, asking questions about the time of the game, even when this was stated in the description. -If you cannot trust what you read, you have to ask. More work for the GM and for the players writing the Q&A. It also makes game-time planning more difficult for GMs. Whenever I post a game, I first browse the posted games to not end up in a situation where I am competing with other, similar, games. This is especially true then playing modules bought on the marketplace. I believe that both the players and GMs, but also Roll20 as a platform would benefit form more reliable information about game time.