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Names in Turn Tracker

Is there a way to make them not show up? Sometimes I don't want to reveal the enemy's name until a certain point.
You can either move the token to the GM layer, in which case neither the token nor the name will show up in the turn tracker, or you can open the token's toolbox, go to Advanced, and set Player Permissions to not-visible. -Phnord

Edited 1397621887
Roll20 Team
You can also add named items not associated to a token to the turn tracker by clicking on the settings button on the tracker. So you could add items like "Thing 1", "Big Rat-Like Creature", "Thug", and/or "?" to the tracker.

Edited 1397630482
Forum Champion
Players cannot see an enemy's name in the turn order unless you enable them to see the token's name in the token settings.