Hi Roll20, I'm trying to achieve a macro that gives me a result of 1 or 0. The query within the macro ask the player if he will roll 1D3, 1D4, etc. and then compare that result to give a 1 or a 0 compared to my target number. This might be simple but my bird-brain doesn't seems to understand it this morning! Right now, it looks like this (thanks to GiGs) : [[?{Ammo consumption?|1 d3|1d4|1d6|1d8|1d10}<1 ]] This macro either gives me a 0 or a 1, which is perfect. What i need is to input a modifier to the roll. If the player shoot in full auto mode, the result of the dice should be -1 (or even -2 for some weapons). I've tried something like this : [[?{Ammo consumption?|1 d3|1d4|1d6|1d8|1d10}+?{Mod?|-1|-2}<1 ]] But it doesn't work. The macro seems to go over the *|-1|-2 <1* part before anything else and I'm now coming up with an output higher than 1. Can anybody help me?