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Making Noise

The Roll20 open beta has been a pretty wild success thus far, with our usage and interaction exceeding our expectations. But at no step of the way thus far have we taken success for granted, and we want to keep momentum strong. Part of that is simply continuing to spread the word: this system is pretty awesome. The best thing you can do to help us spread the word is bringing people to the newsletter . This will be the primary way we conduct survey about future features, make major announcements, and keep in touch with the community. And it's worth noting, we take our inboxes pretty seriously (so, so much lovely mail from people interested in Roll20), so we won't be abusing the privilege of being allowed to send users mail. Second, we'd love to start more dialog up on the Roll20 Google+ page . G+, because of Google Hangouts having been a face-to-face roleplaying solution for so many, already has vibrant discussions utilizing hashtags such as #RPG, #DnD, and other individual game types. So feel free not only to add us, but tag +Roll20 if you happen to be discussing your play! Third, if you're one for-up-to-the-minute tweaks, server information, and more, the Roll20 Twitter page is for you. And again, you're always invited to reference us with an @roll20app tweet-- if it's something that really gets us going, we've been known to retweet. Finally, because we've had such an extreme amount of Facebook likes, we've added a Roll20 Facebook Page . Right now it's brand-spanking new, but we intend to use it to share information about podcasts, interviews, and more. That's a lot of ways you can be in touch with the Roll20 community out in the world, and we're excited that you seem to WANT to be in touch both with the developers AND with each other. We're sure that you're aware of more discussions happening about the service than we are, so you're welcome to reply to this thread with blog posts, message board threads, and more where conversations are happening about our favorite virtual tabletop. Thanks again, to all of you, for being excellent.
Should we get an active IRC channel going? Would be nice to have some kind of live chat with community members.
Should we get an active IRC channel going? Would be nice to have some kind of live chat with community members. ACTUALLY, we have a chat room. It's a deep, dark secret. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
Something cool some folks on Reddit started: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Might be a good complement to our existing LFG subforum.
Forgot an obvious thing to check out online: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Anybody been saving livestreams they'd like to share?