I love sound in the game. I agree that space for upload should be limited. In today's world longer loops, with more depth and variety make for better experience. Why aren't you selling access to packages, much like you do any other game component. I've recently participated in a Kickstarter to have access to Dark Raven Games 320k Audio. I subscribe to TableTop Audio's Patreon. I have looked at music only subcription services that I have read is not an option for integration into Roll20. So my suggestion is to provide reasonable subscription prices to music services. it adds a fee to the monthly charge for music from the package we order. I just sent this idea to <a href="mailto:darkravengamesbusiness@gmail.com" rel="nofollow">darkravengamesbusiness@gmail.com</a>, and I hope this is something that both of you can work out. I'm sure other music providers would love a chance to provide their products in your marketplace.