Vegemite Dangerous said: Is it really that much of an inconvience to mouse over and see if you roll 10 or below or just do the math, eg if you have a +8 you know automatically that any roll lower than 18 you change to 18. To be fair it is all about convenience. We all could be playing using no macros, specialized character sheets, API, and such, as we've been for decades now, but we've chosen to pay $10 a month to use a online platform that creates all sorts of small conveniences such as ammo and spell tracking, auto-rolling damage, and so on. In all honesty, Halfling's Luck is on the Sheet by default, as are things like Jack of All Trades and Expertise. Those fit exactly the same niche as Reliable Talent - small things that make life easier for the group. Can't really see the difference here.