Schedule Times in Central European Time since I'm in Sweden. Convert your times on a site like this. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Fri: 18-22, Sat: 06-22, Sun: 06-21 Why do you play DnD? What do you seek to gain from this shared experience? : I love role playing, to take on a different set of behaviors, wants, needs, habits, abilities and all the rest. I don't claim to be an expert, as I have watched and listened to a lot more DnD than I've actually played in the last few years, but I do tend to try my best, and I think about my character and any campaign I end up in lot. It feels like I always want to do more after a session is over. I love to interact with a world, other players and their characters, to see how my decisions affect said world, party, NPCs, my own character and future decisions and stories. I love the cooperative story telling, using our imaginations together, to see how something spirals out from a minute thing. I love excitement too, I play plenty of games of tactics, and enjoy the combat. No expert here either though. I enjoy having all of the invested time and energy of my character on the line. Suddenly my character's story might end, and when they do die, that might be sad, but then I get a chance to get to know another. So losing a character is part of the fun, and the horror. I have a hard time making a character that goes all out in being min maxed, or all-out in the other direction, not considering mechanics at all for role play or whatever. They tend to be a mix. And that's what I enjoy playing too. A good mix. Why apply for my campaign? Surely there are other DMs out there looking for players to join so why me? : Grim dark sounds like a lot of fun. Your straight out of the gate - you will be in danger - warning, I like that kind of DMing. Your game is on the weekend, as my game must be. Not much love for meta-gaming, sounds good to me - I want to play my character. You didn't specify a time zone, so we'll see, hopefully we can make it fit. Over all, I don't apply for many games anymore, and yours is the first in a while where I haven't had any objections at all to anything you've written. Maybe I'm too picky? Or you just wrote the perfect post. (Does sucking up work?) What do you as a player seek to get out of my game on a personal level? : I want fun! I want to be able to bore my friends with excited stories about the latest happenings in this awesome DnD campaign I'm part of. I want a world to poke at, and that pokes at whatever character I put in. I want to croak in an old man voice at my party that we must heed the warnings of those who came before us, lest we will surely perish, or rush in ahead of them with a furious berserker roar if I'm playing the front line barbarian. I want to pick the pocket of the wizard, steal his spell book and almost immediately get caught reading it in the open, because I'm the curious rogue, but I don't actually want to derail the party entirely. I do however want the wizard to get angry, if that's his thing, and have an argument, if that's our thing. I want to flirt with the monsters, save the vampire and drive a stake through the heart of the damsel in distress. Or something like that. I don't know. Adventure and DnD. All of it. I want it all! :) Your Character Well, damn, I don't know yet. I know I would prefer not to play a bard or a rogue at the moment. Otherwise I'm happy to "fill" to an extent. If we are in for some dangerous combats I suppose I could fill whatever combat role we're lacking and build a lot of traits around whatever starting point that ends up being. But for example, I could play a rough and grumpy dwarven fighter type. I love that guy. I would start out as pretty much that, and then as the game goes on I'd try to develop a character in one direction or another depending on what happens. Maybe I'll start him out grumpy, ruthless and merciless because of what he's seen and how he has lived. Whoever he is, I will play him as having some nebulous attachment to the rest of the party. It will not even need to be defined. If it is defined that's better, but some things I am willing to hand wave for ease of play, just because I don't really enjoy the PvP stuff. Arguing and disagreeing, sure, in character. Anyway, about the character then. Maybe he'll be convinced by a party member to try to find the good in everyone, and help whenever he can. Maybe I'll start one way with the aim of going the other. But I love the idea of switching it up because of what happens in the game. And no character will probably be full on one way or the other either. The ruthless grumpy-pants will have something he loves in other people. Maybe he loves animals, and then softens around other animal lovers... Something like that. Maybe he'll start younger, gullible, good of heart. And if it is grim-dark, he'll sour over time. That'd be fun. Or maybe he actually won't. He'll keep being the optimist while we're knee high in blood, mud and guts. That'd be great fun to play too. But he'd develop in other ways then, I think. Man, I don't want to reveal too many of the concepts I'm considering, because part of the fun is keeping little secrets about your character for the rest of the party, and to some extent, even the DM to discover as the game goes on. Name: Welkin Sourhammer / Yarvin Glimmershod / Idk Class: Not rogue, not bard. Race: Probably something classic. Haven't played enough to know enough about the fancier options. Background: We will see. Why does your character want to adventure? : (What do they seek?) If you really want me to write out a full character before accepting me I would like to PM it to you in that case. I have a fun idea specifically for a background of a human fighter that I'd tweak depending on what alignment I'd feel like starting out as, and what the world or starting location looks like. I have one tragedy connected wizard concept that is probably a classic to any DnD veteran that I wouldn't mind playing. I have a cleric or warlock background/concept that would be quirky and fun, probably chaotic neutral to evil. I would be happy to chat or type more about this. Ask me questions if you're unsure. Shoot me some prompts you think your forming party would need. Say you go along and pick out some other great party members who all know what they want to play. Then you can come back to me, see what I do with "Ok guy, we need that cleric. Who is your cleric?". Alright cool, enough rambling. :>