I am currently working on a rewrite for my Mythras sheet and this time around I was hoping to minify it. I have already run into two issues caused by the minification process, one of which I'm still trying to figure out. Can anyone recommend an html minifier which seems to work well for them, or point out things that may potentially cause issues. I have already disabled the removal of quotes around attributes because removing the double quotes from text/worker caused sheet workers to fail. I'm currently using nodejs-html-minifier with the following config: { "caseSensitive" : false, "collapseBooleanAttributes" : true, "collapseInlineTagWhitespace" : false, "collapseWhitespace" : true, "conservativeCollapse" : false, "decodeEntities" : true, "html5" : true, "includeAutoGeneratedTags" : false, "keepClosingSlash" : false, "minifyCSS" : true, "minifyJS" : false, "preserveLineBreaks" : false, "preventAttributesEscaping" : false, "processConditionalComments" : true, "processScripts" : [], "removeAttributeQuotes" : false, "removeComments" : true, "removeEmptyAttributes" : true, "removeEmptyElements" : false, "removeOptionalTags" : true, "removeRedundantAttributes" : true, "removeScriptTypeAttributes" : true, "removeStyleLinkTypeAttributes" : true, "removeTagWhitespace" : false, "sortAttributes" : false, "sortClassName" : false, "trimCustomFragments" : true, "useShortDoctype" : true }