What if Roll20 had a way to easily access the information you already planned ahead of time on the page you already have opened? I would love to be able to add notes to a map or battlemap that I can access with a quick hover of my mouse over a box. Or click on a certain spot on my map and open up a preset handout or text. A few ideas that I could think of I listed below
- Hover a mouse over and text will appear
- Hover a mouse over and a highlighted option to edit/open appears with a click
- Additional page layer where GM can add interactive boxes that open text or handouts etc...
This idea is just something that would speed up the game and make it feel more natural and smooth at times. I get tired of having my entire screen filled up with minimized handouts that I have to get ready before the game begins... and god forbid if I accidentally refresh the page or my browser crashes and I need to find them all again during a session
What do you other GM's do when your players are in a dungeon exploring a map? They come into a room where you wish to explain what they see, or the players can find something in a room if they succeed in an investigation check, or they step on a trap and you need to remember whether it was a deadly trap, and what the dc would be etc... Where is that information? In a handout off to the side in your massively vast journal system? Do you actually write the text in the gm layers and make space for it to be seen while playing the game? Or do you make a token in the gm layer that has a trap symbol, and you double click it to open it to read what information you have about it as the player interacts with it? Maybe some of you just wing it and play it off the top of your head, and I admit that happens from time to time... but I do like setting up some dungeons with precise interactions.
I would love to be able to add a trap box and hover over it and it tells me that the DC is <amount> with these consequences etc. Or I can put handouts on the map and click an interactive box that opens the handout for me to pass out to players if they succeed in finding it.
Thoughts? Terrible idea? Let me know :D