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The new D&D 2024 sheet is now available!

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LFP 5e Monday 10am PST


Edited 1575237590
(THANK YOU TO EVERYONE THAT SENT PMs AND REPLIED, I HAVE FOUND 5 PLAYERS. IF ANYONE DROPS OUT I WILL MESSAGE THOSE THAT ALREADY APPLIED/PMed ME) Session 0 is Monday where we will go over rules, get to know eachother, build characters, and vote on what adventure to run. (Homebrew, sandbox, wotc, or something from DMs guild) Looking for players who can enjoy RP, Combat, and strategy. (No murder hobos)  1.Interact with the party/world 2.Know what you want to do when it's your turn 3.Show up each week Letme  know a bit about yourself and what you're looking for in a longterm D&D game
Oo oo pick me I’d love to join if there is an open slot

Edited 1575142221
FIRST, you're in.  Now we need 2 more for a party of 4.
Any spots available interested!!
I would like to play if a slot is open, I'm very new this would be my first time playing if u dont mind teaching someone. 
ABOUT YOU Name:  Age:  Gender:  Timezone:   How long have you played D&D:  Have you DM'd?  Play Style: . What type of encounters do you enjoy?  How do you play your character?  What type of players do you dislike? ABOUT YOUR CHARACTER Name:  Age:  Gender:  Preferred Character race/class:  backstory: (include a  reason to be adventuring/Plot hook)
ABOUT YOU Name: Edward Age: 33 Gender: Male Timezone:  est How long have you played D&D: never Have you DM'd? No Play Style: . Learning haven't played, typically in other games I tend to run in swinging What type of encounters do you enjoy? I enjoy all, combat, heavy story telling, etc. How do you play your character? Haven't played yet What type of players do you dislike? People who dont like to help or are not respectful, I prefer to play with people that have fun like to laugh and respect everyone in the game, and dont mind helping new players. ABOUT YOUR CHARACTER This would be something I'd like to work with dm in making I have ideas but not sure what would be best. If the DM doesn't mind helping me work out a character Name:  Age:  Gender:  Preferred Character race/class:  backstory: (include a  reason to be adventuring/Plot hook)

Edited 1575235029
ABOUT YOU Name:  Ryan Age:  20 Gender:  male Timezone: American   CST  Available Schedule to Play: anytime after 2 pm How long have you played D&D: about a year now Have you DM'd? yes, a couple of one-shots Play Style: I like to get into character, interacting with NPC and the other PC. I've played a paladin and a fighter both of which help the group and make sure that everyone working together. What type of encounters do you enjoy? I like encounters that challenge us players creatively, making us work together in new and inventive ways, making us think outside box. How do you play your character? In the past, I played leader characters but I am looking to play sumthing a bit different like the sport or the intellect, like a wizard or cleric, altho I'm willing to fulfill whatever role the party needs. What type of players do you dislike? I can work with most types of players but I do not like it when a player derails the story or is just obnoxious.
ABOUT YOU Name: Antony Age: 23 Gender: male Timezone:  est How long have you played D&D: Never Have you DM'd? Never Play Style: No idea. I have ideas on what I would like to do but we will figure that out on session 0. would like to be a powerhouse that has lots of very specific rules or twists to balance it.  What type of encounters do you enjoy? not sure but story driven sounds like a lot  of fun. Immersion is key. How do you play your character?   never played before sooo ill play it by ear  What type of players do you dislike?  This game should be story driven or a party event. we all need to act as a character sooo no 1 individual thinking he is the center of the universe, sure we can follow them down their arc but I do not want to just be some guy who helped the chosen  one. ABOUT YOUR CHARACTER I have an idea what I want to make but....DM help cause I have no idea what is a go or a no go.  Name:  Age:  Gender:  Preferred Character race/class:  backstory: (include a  reason to be adventuring/Plot hook)
ABOUT YOU Name: Callum Age: 17 Gender: Male Timezone: England GMT Available Schedule to Play: Anything from 6pm GMT on Sunday How long have you played D&D: 3 months of 5e Have you DM'd? No Play Style: I’ll be slightly shy at first but I’ll quickly become comfortable after talking to people. I rather like RP and working out puzzles tho combat is good fun. What type of encounters do you enjoy? Ones that have meaning to them not just a random fight that won’t later one mean something. How do you play your character?  Depends on race etc. Tho they’ll never be evil and I don’t like characters being Edgy which is why I barely play rouges as most of the time people play them really edgelord like.  What type of players do you dislike? Mary/Gary Sues for sure, edgy people,  people who don’t like the rule of if it’s cool and doesn’t effect anything it’s okay. Eg: Glowing sword (doesn’t bright up area just glows softly) ABOUT YOUR CHARACTER Once I know the idea of what story we will be going through I’ll be able to make the character. I’ll also base it on what works for the party.