Ashton said:
Charlie - Hi there, currently there is no way to only view the Fate Core in your in-app compendium if you own compendium expansions such as Fate Accelerated. All Fate Accelerated pages available in the in-app compendium have "(Accelerated)" appended onto their page name, however, so you should be able to distinguish them in that way and simply disregard the rules they contain should you wish to play Fate Core. Thanks for playing!
Is there a filter option coming? That seems like a pretty poorly built compendium and a slapdash solution to using it. You wouldn't want to read through D&D 5e Player's Handbook with the Fourth edition Handbook being mixed in and only differentiated by the headers, especially in an online format. Many of the article titles in the Fate compendium are too long to see the full heading in the in-app compendium meaning you can see if it says "Accelerated" at the end of the title.
I found a Fate Core book index article finally which is helpful but still doesn't show me the articles in the in-app compendium search bar, making it impossible to drag and drop them to the map and game journal (the reason I purchased the compendium).
I would have just bought the $9.99 Fate CORE and not the bundle if I had known this would be a problem. I paid more which made the thing I wanted harder to use.