If you gave installed token-mod, here is a script that will create a dynamic lighting chat menu for you. It doesn't do the flicker effect of torch, but it does a whole lot more: /w gm &{template:npcaction} {{rname=Light & Vision}} {{description=[Snuff](!token-mod --set light_otherplayers|off light_radius|0 light_dimradius|0 light_angle|360) | [Sight](!token-mod --on showname light_hassight light_angle|360) | [Blind](!token-mod --off showname light_hassight light_angle|360) | [Spot](!token-mod --set light_otherplayers|on light_radius|5 light_dimradius|0 light_hassight|on light_angle|360) | [GM](!token-mod --set light_otherplayers|off light_hassight|off light_radius|5 light_dimradius|5 light_angle|360) [Moonlight](!token-mod --set light_otherplayers|on light_radius|15 light_dimradius|=-15 light_angle|360) | [Starlight](!token-mod --set light_otherplayers|on light_radius|7 light_dimradius|=-15 light_angle|360) | [Touch](!token-mod --set light_otherplayers|on light_radius|4 light_dimradius|=-5 light_angle|360) [Candle](!token-mod --set light_otherplayers|on light_radius|5 light_dimradius|0 light_angle|360) | [Lamp](!token-mod --set light_otherplayers|on light_radius|30 light_dimradius|15 light_angle|360) | [Torch](!token-mod --set light_otherplayers|on light_radius|40 light_dimradius|20 light_angle|360) [Hooded Lantern](!token-mod --set light_otherplayers|on light_radius|60 light_dimradius|30 light_angle|360) | [Bullseye Lantern](!token-mod --set light_otherplayers|on light_radius|120 light_dimradius|60 light_angle|90) [Darkvision](!token-mod --set light_otherplayers|off light_hassight|on light_radius|65 light_dimradius|=-5 light_angle|360) | [DV90](!token-mod --set light_otherplayers|off light_hassight|on light_radius|95 light_dimradius|=-5 light_angle|360) | [DV120](!token-mod --set light_otherplayers|off light_hassight|on light_radius|125 light_dimradius|=-5 light_angle|360) | [*Light*](!token-mod --set light_otherplayers|on light_radius|40 light_dimradius|20 light_angle|360) | [*Daylight*](!token-mod --set light_otherplayers|on light_radius|120 light_dimradius|60 light_angle|360) | [*Faerie Fire*](!token-mod --set light_otherplayers|on light_radius|1 light_angle|3600 light_dimradius|0 statusmarkers|purple light_angle|360)}} Here is the output: Which if you use this trick , can be neatened up to look like this: Snuff - Removes all light and sight from a selected token Sight - Gives sight to a selected token, but does not cause them to emit light Blind - Removes all sight from a selected token, but it can still emit light Spot - Puts a spot of light around a character Good vision but very short range GM - Puts a spot of light around a token that only the GM can see. Useful for highlighting a token on dark maps Moonlight - Causes a token to shed a huge dim light, visible to all Good for outdoor at night. Tokens with darkvision see well short range, all tokens can see entire map dimly. Starlight - As Moonlight, but dimmer Touch - Lets a character dimly see whatever is in touch range. Useful for simulating a character without darkvision. Candle | Lamp | Torch | Hooded Lantern | Bullseye Lantern - Apply these to a character or token to have them simulate the appropriate light. If it is a PC, make sure they have sight (The Sight button above will do this) Darkvision | DV90 | DV120 - Gives selected token Darkvision for 60, 90 or 120 ft. Light | Daylight | Faerie Fire - Simulates the light cast by one of these spells. Apply it to a token or character.