Hello fellow Mechwarriors. I am looking for one lance that is open for business and is not scared of hard fights. As you know, it is hard to engage in open war at borders. But I am sure there will be plenty of opportunities for skilled mercenaries to make nice stack of cash. Are you interested? If so, drop your contact below and I am sure we can figure out something that will work for both sides. So to say, hello everyone reading this. As stated. I am planning to open game of burning metal, hard cash and backstabs. But nothing like this matters much to you does it? You are part of mercenary group [players will figure out its name] and you got few jobs lined up. This will be bit more open world campaign but there will be plenty of good story lying around. I am GMT+1 and can play on every day of week after 5PM my time. I would like to have weekly sessions. And due to system of group. There is no problem to have people dropping in and out of it. Or to play other other types not just mechwarriors. But for now I am looking for interested people. So post here if you wanna give it a shot. New players are ok as well, I am ok with teaching.