Welcome to Port Nyzanzaru! "To survive in the Jungle you must be adventurous and fearless." ~Azaka If you intend on exploring the jungles of Chult, you are required to purchase a Charter of Exploration from the merchant princes of Nyanzaru. Please visit Goldenthrone to obtain one. The Flaming Fist have been selling "Exploration Charters" whose validity is not recognized by the city. If you have journeyed here from afar, perhaps visit our Public Bathhouse to relax tired muscles with a hot soak. Visit our marketplaces and sample our wares, or find a watering hole to sit down and drink a frosty Tej. Need to change some coins or treasures into cold, hard gold? Stop by the Hall of Gold and one of the faithful of Waukeen will assist in such services. Daily matches can be spectated or even participated in by would be gladiators at our Grand Coliseum! No matter your tastes, Nyanzaru has something that is sure to satisfy them! Welcome to Chult A breeding ground for bloodsucking, disease-bearing insects, monstrous reptiles, carnivorous birds and beasts of every variety, and murderous undead. The farther one moves from the coast, the more humid, hot, and inhospitable the land becomes. W ith the exception of a few coastal settlements, Chult is untamed tropical wilderness: dense jungles and snaky rivers ringed by mountains, volcanoes, and sheer escarpments. Walls of mountains to the west, south, and east shield the interior from the sea and from the view of sailors. The rivers are so sluggish that it can be difficult determining which direction is upstream and which is down. The rivers pick up speed only where they thunder down through steep-sided gorges. Travel Distances On your map of Chult, each hex measures 10 miles across. By moving at a normal pace you can travel 1 hex per day on foot through coastal, jungle, mountain, swamp, or wasteland terrain. You can travel 2 hexes per day if you're traveling by canoe on a river or lake. The rate of travel up or down river is the same; the rivers are so sluggish that the current is almost imperceptible. Without canoes, the normal rate of travel along a river is the same as through the surrounding terrain. Canoes move 1 hex per day through swamps. If you move at a fast pace, there is a chance that you advance 1 additional hex that day. Moving at a fast pace makes you more likely to miss clues and walk into ambushes. If you set a slow pace, there is a chance that you advance 1 fewer hex that day (in other words, 1 hex by canoe or none by foot). Moving at a slow pace lets you move stealthily. As long as you're not in the open, you can try to surprise or sneak by other creatures you encounter. Guides While you may think a guide is costly and not particularly useful, they have the added benefit of knowing the jungle and how things work in it. While a character's Survival modifier might be higher than a guide's, having someone to answer your questions or prevent you from making fatal mistakes could prove life-saving. Navigation You must designate a single navigator each day. At the start of each new travel day, the DM makes a Wisdom (Survival) check on behalf of the navigator. Moving at a fast pace makes it harder to navigate, while moving at a slow pace makes it easier. The faster you go, the more likely you are to attract unwanted attention. Resting In a place that's crawling with lethal creatures and strange phenomena, finding a secure camp site is vital to survival. When sleeping in an area exposed to the jungle's elements, characters don't regain hit points at the end of a long rest. Instead, a character can spend Hit Dice to heal at the end of a long rest, just as with a short rest. As stated, this rule does not apply if the characters spend a long rest in a city, underground, or in a relatively intact building. Tracking Resources You must keep track of your rations or food, along with your water supply. You can select a single person to keep track of these for the party, pooling your water containers and rations together. Water Chult is a hot, harsh place, and you need plenty of water to stay hydrated. The water found in rivers and on the ground is probably unfit for drinking. At the end of each day, those of you who haven’t drunk at least 2 gallons of fresh water must succeed on a Constitution saving throw or suffer 1 level of exhaustion. The saving throw is made with disadvantage if you are wearing medium armor, heavy armor, or heavy clothing. Traveling at a fast pace instead of a normal or slow pace, induces a penalty on your saving throws against dehydration. Food A character requires a single ration per day of adventuring, or 1 pound of food. While the characters can forage to survive on the wilderness, they also can hunt down and kill a beast to harvest the meat and use it as food. The meat they yield spoils after two days if uneaten. Eating spoiled meat might require a Constitution saving throw to avoid throwing up the food or getting diseased. A character can make a Wisdom (Survival) check to try to collect meat as food. The amount of meat harvested is determined by the creature size, as shown in the creature food yield table below. Keep in mind that carrying a decent amount of food that isn't rations might attract unwanted attention. Creature Food Yield by Size Size Food Gained Tiny 1 lb. Small 4 lb. Medium 16 lb. Size Food Gained Large 32 lb. Huge 64 lb. Gargantuan 128 lb. Keep in mind not all creatures are safe to eat. Ammunition You are not required to track ammo. You can make it last forever by picking up arrows/bolts and fixing those that have broken. Weight You are not required to track weight, within reason. Carrying a dozen large items, such as two-handed weapons or armors, is not reasonable. Gold weight will not matter, again within reason. Foraging for Food and/or Water Characters can gather food and water as the party travels at a normal or slow pace. A foraging character makes a DC 15 Wisdom (Survival) check to find food, whether in a river or on land. If multiple characters forage, each character makes a separate check. A foraging character finds nothing on a failed check. On a successful check, roll 1d6 + the character's Wisdom modifier to determine how much food (in pounds) the character finds, then repeat the roll for water (in gallons).