I want to join a pick up game, which is supposed to start in two days, has plenty of free slots and allows every player to join according to the description, but there's no "Join" button for me, so I can't join and get the information I need to prepare myself. Technical details: Browser: Firefox 71.0 OS: Linux (Ubuntu LTS 16.4) Javascript is enabled NO anti-virus software Browser addons: Ublock Origin 1.18.5 (deactivated, without success), Firefox Devtools ADB Extension Console only contains some warnings, no errors. Can provide log if needed. Screenshot: Link to the game in question: <a href="https://app.roll20.net/lfg/listing/187280/the-arena-pvp" rel="nofollow">https://app.roll20.net/lfg/listing/187280/the-arena-pvp</a>