I run a DnD 5e Grimdark Homebrew campaign thats been going on for about a month. Party currently Level 4. We play on Saturdays at 8pm est no daylight savings. Looking for a few more players. Currently the party consists of a Minotaur barabarian, Drow Divine Sorcerer and a tiefling warlock. They have a scribe with them who is a Human wizard. UA optional depending on the content. All optional books allowed. Stats will be rolled. All alignments allowed. Monster races allowed. SETTING: The campaign setting you will be playing in will require sane, logical thinking to ensure the survival of your characters. I as a DM reward players for role-playing their characters authentically and keeping meta gaming to a minimum as well as approaching situation not as you as the player would but you as the character would instead. As it says in the title the setting is Grimdark so come prepared for all that entails. Im trying to get someone spur of the moment for the game tomorrow so if you are interested and can make it ill message you by then.