I made a thread after responding in the recent jump in space for paid members suggesting that 100 MB is kind of pathetic after fanburst shut down. Not only on the aforementioned thread did staff claim they were looking into it and have yet to have made a development, but after making a second thread suggesting people should vote for this if they do believe that even a small increase such as 200-300 Mb to free users is beneficial when the paid members got three times their space, not enough people voted for it and the thread was closed due to lack of voting. If the staff were going to look into it regardless of prior, I am not sure why my thread specifically mattered to be made if they were going to work on such a thing. It honestly sounds like excuses are being made to ignore it after it was ignored the first time unless the post I got was automated which is likely but that just further points out how long it's been since a response regarding this issue. Now I fully admit that I am coming from the free member perspective but I am not the only person who is free or paid support that believes in even a small increase. The main reason I created the second thread is because it had taken some time between the change and an response that to my knowledge has still not been made. If it has anyone is free to link it below, but I will explain my logic in slightly more detail and link the two concerning threads below: <a href="https://app.roll20.net/forum/post/7206803/improving-audio-storage-and-performance" rel="nofollow">https://app.roll20.net/forum/post/7206803/improving-audio-storage-and-performance</a> (As you can see the devs last post was 6 months ago, again if they did respond somewhere please feel free to link it and tell me how silly I am). My followup: <a href="https://app.roll20.net/forum/post/7695650/slug%7D" rel="nofollow">https://app.roll20.net/forum/post/7695650/slug%7D</a> The only people who truly suffered while fanburst got shut down were the non-paying members. The others frankly I would argue do not need their space tripled when the lowest paid subscription gave you two whole gigabytes which is incredibly substantial and to say it is not enough to run more than three games at a time would be exaggeration in my opinion. No free member is asking to be on the same level honestly; I even personally think one gigabyte may incentivize too many people to not pay because as I said a gig is incredibly substantial. We just want a little more than 100 Mb. Me personally, 200 would be more than enough for me to run two games at once, or if you cannot do that then 150 I think would satiate a lot of new members who probably can't pay for the service anyway or do not wish to. The absolute most I think people would ask for is in the 200-300 Mb range, but even I think that would be incredibly generous of Roll20 to acquiesce. But leaving it at 100 Mb only screws people who won't or otherwise cannot pay for the service that they love. It doesn't encourage nonpaying members to buy into the service because if they cant pay for it anyway then this will change nothing but give the paying players more bang for their buck. I just think it's rather disheartening to see nothing has been done about the issue or even an explanation being offered as to why nothing has been done or will be done. tl;dr: I think free members need at least 50 more mb on their storage to compensate for fanburst going out to give them something instead of giving so much to paying members who frankly do not need all of it.