I don't think DMhyde meant what you guys replied with and I certainly did not vote without knowing that the basic shape drawing tool already exists. DMhyde can correct if my understanding is incorrect as this is his suggestion.
What I think we need is as follows (these are based on DnD 5E usage, other games might have different needs obviously):
1) be able to choose shape of the area of effect (square and circle are already supported by current tool while cone is not)
2) be able to draw so that initial mouse click point would remain center of the effect for circle, eg. expand from center for GIMP users (square and cone could work as per OP's picture) - this is important because all circular spell area effects are measured by radius, not diameter
3) that while drawing, there would be measurement shown for the distance drawn so far, similar to ruler/measurement tool
4) that aspect ratio would remain 1:1 throughout the drawing (area effects are always perfect squares, circles and cones)
5) that after drawing and releasing mouse button, drawn shape remains and can be repositioned at will