Warning : Mutt rambles... a lot... I will try to stay as clear as possible, but I have the attention span of a small child with little warning! OK: So, I have been doing a little bit of digging as I have started to GM a Warhammer: Dark Heresy campaign. I want to set it up in a fashion where my players, much like my 4E group can make the most out of the current iteration of the character sheet as possible since we do not know when the new ones will go live and I'm not exactly code-monkey enough to make one for the system. What I am trying to do: Set up character handouts with all the proper modifiers Str, Agi, etc. etc. Have a roll (1d100) for a skill check challenge the mod and return success/fail (I understand that 1d100># will do this but see next part) Have the result state degrees of success/failure IE if my Mod is 47 and I roll a 13 hat is 3 Degrees of Success. (I assume this would be an API thing) Include in the roll the Difficulty mod. Far as I know it would look something like [[1d100>{@Str+?{Difficulty}}]], at least looking at the macro wiki that is how it should work, but it doesn't roll anything and I assume that is a faul of trying to add the difficulty. I am sure it could be a bit more defined on my part, but just got done GMing a 6hr session and my brain is a bit fried x.x