I think the issue is going to be with the dice pool. It looks like the sheet is designed to process rolls using action buttons and sheetworkers. IMO, this makes for a very versatile sheet roll, but makes it much more difficult to to create custom ability macros. here's a copy of the sheet's dice pool roller(I replaced the character name with "selected" for more flexibility) @{selected|roll_whisper} &{template:callofcthulhu} {{name=@{selected|character_name}}} {{title=@{selected|roll_name_parsed}}} {{roll=[[1d100cs1cf>@{selected|roll_cf}]]}} {{roll_difficulty=[[@{selected|roll_difficulty}]]}} {{roll_type=@{selected|roll_type}}} {{roll_target=[[@{selected|roll_target} + (@{selected|roll_modifier})]]}} {{roll_bonus=[Roll Bonus/Penalty Dice](~@{selected|character_id}|bonus)}} {{roll_push=[Push the Roll](~@{selected|character_id}|default)}} In theory, I think you should be able to substitute the appropriate attributes (you'll probably need to use the browser's context menu - "Inspect" tool on the various sheet fields to learn the attribute's name if the attributes & abilities isn't easily deciphered. ie Which attributes go with which fields...?) to make a particular type of roll (ie Strength, Sanity, etc.)