I would also be more than interested in joining. At the moment, I'm GMing two other campaigns, so I wouldn't be able to bear the brunt of being the 'main' GM either. I would, however, be more than happy to give a hand with the management of a lot of the behind-the-scenes stuff; things like gathering data on the historical environs in which the campaign takes place, and keeping track of all the various numbers and such that are involved in keeping track of a Coven. Brute labour, in other words; the parts of GMing that aren't directly related to the running of sessions. A good Ars Magica game fortunately almost runs itself, once the Coven has gotten up: Even if there isn't a GM who's feeling sufficiently awake to craft an elaborate plot, the players are sure to cause chaos entirely on their own. I would, however, want to also have a character and be a player. Ars Magica is perfect for troupe-style, and I have a certain Maga from a long-dead campaign who's feeling rather neglected.