Thats an interesting question I hadnt considered before. I cant think of any way to do it without an API script. If your tokens represent a character, and the bar is linked, you can get the values by using their character name and the attribute name the bar is linked to. Doing it with a script has problems too - if you have a group of tokens representing the same character (like bandits, orcs, whatever), you'd have to ensure thetoken names are different. Not always the case. They would have unique IDs of course, but getting those without selected or target is tricky. A script could search for all tokens of a type, and present a list of their names or ids in chat, for you to use however you want. But this all sounds very clunky, when selected and target exist for this purpose. What task are you trying to achieve, that requires you to avoid using selected or target? Note: target lets a player select a token they cant normally select, so that's one way of creating a macro to read details.