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Neceros Sheet - Small Mistake Regarding Encumbrance

Just now I noticed that as "max load" it appears double the figure of actual max load. In the "Max" entry under "Loads" (Equipment>Encumbrance>Loads) it appears double the actual max load. In the CRB, p 169, we find: "A character’s maximum load is the highest amount of weight listed for a character’s Strength in the heavy load column of Table 7–4." That is, the numbers appearing as light, medium, and heavy loads are upper boundaries already. So the entry "Max" under "Loads" must simply not exist, and if it does, it should have the same figure as "Heavy" (the entries "Above Head", "Off Ground", and "Drag & Push" under the tab "Lift" are correct).
Did you read the next paragraph? "A character can lift as much as double his maximum load off the ground, but he or she can only stagger around with it. While overloaded in this way, the character loses any Dexterity bonus to AC and can move only 5 feet per round (as a full-round action)."
Rabulias said: Did you read the next paragraph? "A character can lift as much as double his maximum load off the ground, but he or she can only stagger around with it. While overloaded in this way, the character loses any Dexterity bonus to AC and can move only 5 feet per round (as a full-round action)." I did. If you please read what I wrote, I clearly state that 'the entries "Above Head", "Off Ground", and "Drag & Push" under the tab "Lift" are correct'. You are referring to the "Off Ground" option, which is already accounted for (in the "Lift" sub-tab). Entries under the "Loads" sub-tab are meant for the player to know why the Dex mod to AC is limited for his character. So, if the character is carrying more weight than the number stated in "Heavy", max Dex bonus will become 0 and speed will become 5, that's all. What is the purpose of the "Max" entry again, if it is already stated in the "Off Ground" entry, under the next sub-tab?
Sheet Author
I agree that the Max should be the upper limit of the Carrying Capacity table, not double.  Is this just cosmetic (meaning we just need to show the correct value), or is it effecting calculations(current load, move, max dex, etc.)?  Thanks
It does affect calculations. That is, your speed becomes 0 if you surpass your "Max" value, while if you are between "Heavy" and "Max" it is 2.5 (As it should. It is not the same to have a speed of 2.5 that to be able to move 5 ft as a full-round action, but it is impossible to account for every single detail in a character sheet, so that 2.5 is a very good approximation). But this maximum possible load appears already in the "Off Ground" entry.  I believe that to have the same value repeated in two different entries, under two different sub-tabs, with two different names, does not actually help at all. On the other hand, it may lead to confusion. (If you exceed "Heavy" your Dex mod becomes 0, as it should, so that does not change further. The change in speed is the only "calculation" affected).

Edited 1581265474
Sheet Author
Thanks for the legwork.  I'm stuck on my phone, so I can't test at the moment...  Are you seeing a miscalculation of speed on the sheet?  Thanks
Thanks to you for your willingness to help. I may not have explained myself properly: There is no miscalculation at all. If the weight carried increases beyond your "Heavy" limit, your speed is reduced to 2.5 and your Dex mod is reduced to 0. That is correct, that is, as correct as it can be expressed in a character sheet (you need a full-round action to move 5 ft, but there is no better way to reflect that in the sheet than the 2.5 speed). If the weight carried increases beyond "Off Ground" = "Max", then your speed is reduced to 0. So, the only issue is that the sheet has the same value repeated in two different entries, under two different sub-tabs, with two different names. I believe that does not help at all, and it may lead to confusion.
Sheet Author
Perfect.  Thank you for the clarification.  I'll work on the best solution. 
Great! Thank you.