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Selecting action (in secret) and then revealing?

So, what were looking for is a way for players and GM to select their turn action, lock it (so it can't be changed) and then reveal them all at once or per players turn? Is there any way to do something on roll20? As a for example, think X-Wing.  Player selects ship move action (in secret) and then reveals it to the other players. Thanks for any suggestions.
Scott C.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Compendium Curator
Without an API script, there's some complicated macro methods using API and/or ability command buttons.
Scott C. said: Without an API script, there's some complicated macro methods using API and/or ability command buttons. OK, I guess it shows, but I am a Pro subscriber so I can use macros.  Are you saying there are some, or are not? End result it a way for players to: Pick an action from a list (1-5) in a way that once they make a choice it can't be changed till next round.  And obviously, we don't' want everyone to see it and then pick a "better" choice. or Not sure if that deck thingy can be used to pick an action card, still hidden, and then flip it over on their turn to show. My players are not cheaters, and I'd expect them to be honest, but things happen.  Obviously they could secret tell it to the GM, but then obviously I'd know their choice when making my choice.
Scott C.
Forum Champion
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API Scripter
Compendium Curator
There aren't any current scripts I'm aware of to do it, but making one would probably be your best bet. but you could also do a macro like: [Reveal Action](~
Scott C. is ?{What action are you doing|Flying|Shooting|Escaping}) I'd be asked the query when I sent the button to chat, but then I (or really anyone) could click the button to actually output the message to chat. Note that there are some fillips here if you are wanting to include dice rolls.
Sheet Author
Hmm, could something like this be done with ChatSetAttr?  Create a custom attribute like "plan".  Have a query for players to use to post their expected actions to the plan attribute, which would overwrite any previous plans.  Then a regular macro that prints their plan to chat utilizing the @{plan}.
Hum, so my macro skill is low, but I did play with it a lot when running d6 Iron Kingdoms.  I was able to make macros that let players pick from a dropdown and then display to screen. So, if I'm following (and there are no dice rolls at this stage) I could have my players each click a macro, select from dropdown of options, post something generic to chat like "player x has selected their action", store that action in a per player variable(?) and when I as DM see that all players have selected, my macro not only does the same thing, but ends with an output of all players choices...
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter
How about this? It requires no API, and should be foolproof: [Plan](`[[1d6]]?{What is your plan?|plan}) This will place a whispered button into chat. The backtic makes sure that the expression is interpreted as a valid command. The 1d6 inline roll keeps people from discovering the plan by hovering over the button and reading the result in the browser info readout (the part of the browser that reveals the destination of a hovered link). Anyone trying to scry this way will only see the html of the roll command. The answer will not reveal until clicked on. There will be some garbage characters in front of the plan when revealed (the actual roll), but it will do the job in a quick and dirty fashion.
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter
Someone could right click on the button, copy link, paste it into a text editor and decipher it from the URL mess, but if people gonna cheat, they don't have any business at the table.