Let me start with two quick caveats. First, I realise there are lots of demands on Roll20 and prioritisation is a complex business, (which risks upsetting everyone and pleasing no-one). Secondly, I fully understand that Roll20 and DnD Beyond are third-party competitors who licence the products from WoC. But all that said, I cannot understand why Roll20 is making it so difficult for me to give them money! Before I understood the Roll20/ DnD Beyond dynamic, I was frustrated at having to buy the products twice. Once I understood, I decided I'd go with one over the other for the source books. I would like to go with Roll20 but I cannot, for two simple reasons: Lack of Bookshelf : The content is not presented (or at least not easily so) as it appears in the Sourcebook. The Compendium as a composite of all the material is a great tool, but is no substitute for the books themselves. Absence/ Delay of Material : Where is the Dungeon Master's Guide? Where is the SCAG? Where is the new Fiendish Folio? Put simply, once I'm compelled to buy from DnD Beyond, I'm not going to buy again from Roll20, (no matter what the additional benefits are). Make it available at the same time and I'll buy it here and give up DnD Beyond. This is even more difficult to understand when niche books are released very quickly: Explorer's Guide to Wildemont: how on earth was that prioritised over SCAG? Rick and Morty: how was that prioritised over anything (same question to WoC). Incidentally, resolve this issue (especially if you add page number cross referencing to 1) and DnD Beyond becomes obsolete. Like many old D&D vets, I have a good disposable income burning a hole in my pocket but Roll20 seem not to want to take it. I cannot get my head around that. What is worth noting, once I (and many others) have invested elsewhere,
it becomes difficult to justify abandoning that platform.