I'm a DM with a few campaigns made. 1 I am running right now, 1 that's a module and 1 that is being planned for the future. I also take part in one. > In all of them the character sheets lag in loading, then instead of loading proper they will have thick black lines surrounding boxes, missing thin black lines, gray where the white is supposed to be and just look very strange. > In my 2nd campaign that I am working on, I had uploaded audio a night or two or so ago in that campaign. I go to check to upload another MP3 and find all the music I had uploaded over there was gone. So the audio added to the game no longer works. Even the audio imported from my current campaign does not work. So for some reason, even though it was there before, the music I had uploaded in my current campaign is not showing up anymore for my 2nd campaign that's in the progress of being made. > When I exit my 2nd campaign I'm making, it will log me out, ask me to log back in so I do, and I am left at an endless black screen with the word "editor" at the top in the URL bar. Refreshing the page will only make it an endless white and nothing happens. It is only happening with my 2nd campaign, which I will provide the name to a mod if that would be of help. If these problems could be looked into that would be excellent. I use Google Chrome and had these issues. I checked it on Avast Secure Browser and had the exact same problems so it isn't just Google Chrome. My Operating system is Windows 10 and have no problems until the 25th after apparently an update was done. The errors corrected themselves during the night of the 25th and into the early morning of today the 26th but then broke once more. Thank you very much for your time and I hope you can figure out what's going on. It would be very difficult to take part in the game I am in on Fridays and my game I host on Saturdays with sheets being broken and audio not showing up to work when clicked on to play. Also makes it annoying to have to reopen the Roll20 page when clicking Exit results in being logged out to change from working on a future campaign to taking part in a currently active one. Example of 2 of my NPC sheets for how they tend to look on all campaigns I have access to my sheet or others due to being a DM: <a href="https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/425563873953710080/682300774314672188/unknown.png" rel="nofollow">https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/425563873953710080/682300774314672188/unknown.png</a>