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Token Selection - New Attack Options Button - Show Attack Options

Score + 23

Edited 1554379472
Terrible title, sorry... And if this suggestion has come up before, please close and direct me to it. The picture should tell you what I'm suggesting. Basically when you select a token, I would like that there is an extra little round button at the bottom, to the right of the Status button. When you click on that Attack button, it pops up any Attack Options, as set up in the Journal (be it a Character, NPC or Mook) and allows you to click on it (like you can from the Journal) and do the rolling of the dice and all the rest. Click on the Attack button again and the options disappear. Edit: It seems people may not have understood what I am hoping to achieve with this mod, so here is another screenshot. I create "mooks" for all the most common, repeated enemies like Kobolds, Goblins, Gnolls, where I connect a Token to an NPC character sheet. I populate the NPC sheet with all the standard data for that creature, including the allowed attacks.Here is a screenshot for the Gnoll pictured above. As you can see, I have added in the two Attacks, and have for clarity started to create another. The little checkbox that specifies the action as an Attack would need to be selected for any of these to show up after pressing the new Attack button. This new attack button is really more for the DM use than player use, so that I don't have to keep referring to the Monster Manual to see what the attack bonus is and how much damage is done. And yes, I am sure everything can be done with Macros - If you're a Pro subscriber... But to redo all this info when it's already entered into the character sheet... It takes long enough to set up an encounter... And not everyone can justify Pro subscription. So, this suggestion is for the little guy. The underdog. The povo kid that can't afford to play with the big boys. Go on, give it an upvote. You know you want to! :)

Edited 1554300024
Sheet Author
While not exactly what you are looking for there is a similar thing that already exists and it's call a token action. Essentially you set up a macro and click the check box that makes it a token action, this can be done on where the global macros go or in the individual character's attributes &amp; abilities tab. Once you have it set up, you click the token and then on top left of the table top you will see a macro bar with the button for your token action. Just click those and they'll do their thing.&nbsp; So for your example you just set up a macro for Long Sword and Spear Throw and you'll have them on you bar. Here's a link to the wiki about them:&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> The catch is that it doesn't automatically pull from your sheet. So you need to make those token actions for each character you want to have them, or make a general macro that works for every character and put it in each sheet or make it a global macro. Luckily there are api scripts to automatically create token actions for your character sheet but you need to be a pro subscriber for that.
Thanks for the link to Token Actions. I'll take a read... &gt;Just click those and they'll do their thing.&nbsp; But they don't SHOW me what the action is, what the bonuses are and what needs to be rolled if I'm "old school" and roll physical dice.&nbsp; &gt;The catch is that it doesn't automatically pull from your sheet. Yeah, that's a bit of a deal breaker. :) The "workaround" I have is that if you ALT-Double Click on the Token, their sheet comes up and it has the actions listed, and you can click on them to roll dice etc.But I think my suggestion is a little more refined. ;)
Sheet Author
No, each one of the abilities has a checkbox for "Show as Token Action" which means they show up as a macro button bar when the token is selected.&nbsp; No need to open the sheet to access them.&nbsp; They do draw directly from the sheet if you are using attribute calls for your macros.&nbsp; That way, any time an attribute is altered in the sheet, the macro will be pulling the updated value. For instance, on the pathfinder sheet that is used in a game I play, I could set up a melee attack macro and have the attack roll look something like this: [[1d20 + @{strength_mod} + @{bab}]] Or, I could bypass those 2 and just call for the following, since this value includes both of those: [[1d20 + @{melee_mod}]] No reason to open the sheet, that would pull in all base bonuses and any temporary bonuses that have been added to the sheet. You can do the same for skills, spells, defenses, or whatever.&nbsp; Just about everything you enter on the character sheet generates an attribute on the attributes and abilities tab, and some that don't show up there are hidden attributes that can still be used/called in macros.&nbsp; My problem with this as a suggestion is how would they make it in such a way that it would work with any game system and any character sheet?&nbsp; The token macro bar already does.
Sheet Author
Mark said: Thanks for the link to Token Actions. I'll take a read... &gt;Just click those and they'll do their thing.&nbsp; But they don't SHOW me what the action is, what the bonuses are and what needs to be rolled if I'm "old school" and roll physical dice.&nbsp; &gt;The catch is that it doesn't automatically pull from your sheet. Yeah, that's a bit of a deal breaker. :) The "workaround" I have is that if you ALT-Double Click on the Token, their sheet comes up and it has the actions listed, and you can click on them to roll dice etc.But I think my suggestion is a little more refined. ;) You could name your token action really descriptively. For example: The pull from sheet thing I think I maybe I worded poorly. I was just trying to say that if you add a weapon you won't get a new macro magically. You will need to manually make a token action for each thing you want on your bar.
Kraynic &gt; My problem with this as a suggestion is how would they make it in such a way that it would work with any game system and any character sheet?&nbsp;&nbsp; OK, I only play with the D&amp;D sheets, so I am obviously naive as to how other game systems play, so excuse the silly questions: 1. Do other game systems do attacks? 2. In the D&amp;D sheet, when you add an action, there is a checkbox that you can select to say it is an Attack action. Is this a thing in other game sheets? 3. If so, then that's how it would be implemented.&nbsp; I have attached screenshots of the Player character sheet and the NPC charcater sheet, both of which allow for options of adding attacks to the actions, so you know how it would be implemented for D&amp;D. Sorry, not sure if other systems are the same. Spren &gt; The pull from sheet thing I think I maybe I worded poorly. I was just trying to say that if you add a weapon you won't get a new macro magically. You will need to manually make a token action for each thing you want on your bar. These options I have already entered into the character sheet journal that is connected to the mook. Having to redo all this work as macros, is a workable option, but can you see that it is a duplication and much more work than is an Attack button like I have suggested was in place. You both seem to not like the idea? Is there negatives to it that I am missing? Is the solution not elegant enough? Or do you think it would be difficult to implement? What am I missing, because I thought it was pretty simple. Maybe I'm not explaining it well enough?
Sheet Author
Sorry if I gave you that impression! I was just trying to be helpful and point to an existing feature that was similar to your suggestion that you may not have known about. Your suggestion is a good one and could be really beneficial to a lot of people.&nbsp;
And I appreciate your suggestion... Can I do what you are suggesting without being on Pro subscription? And if you can explain it a bit better, just to help me with my general understanding of Macros. I have literally spent like only 10 minutes of them - not because I don't think they are cool - but because my campaign has started and I am flat out creating maps and setting encounters up so simply have not had time, but I certainly want to! (And please correct me if any of my assumptions are wrong - I wont be offended :) Macros are global, right? They don't get saved to a Character sheet or such? So the little macro buttons you had in your screensnap get generated each time you click on a token and make it active, yes? So is there a Macro variable that can grab the description of the Attack action that I am wanting to see?&nbsp; I can see there are variables for stats like Base Attack modifier, Dex, Proficiency, etc... But almost all the monsters I have seen have different attack modifiers based on what weapon they grab. For example the Gnoll has +4 when using Sword, but +3 when throwing spear. So how would I use your suggestion to Show as descriptive buttons, for ANY token i click on, ALL their available attacks, as soon as I drop them from the Journal onto the map, without having to modify any Macro each time I drop a token? As I said, right now I have a workaround that does show me what I need, but shows me more than I need and takes up a lot of screen space, by ALT-Double-Clicking on a Token that has a journal attached, it shows the Attack options and even allows you to click on them to make the dice roll. But I would prefer a quicker option to make combat flow faster. If I can make it work with your Macro suggestion in the meantime, I'll give it a crack. :)
Sheet Author
You can do it without being a pro subscriber. I found this video that explains it in a simple way: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> I can also spend a little time with you on discord if you like and go over it. PM me if you want to chat.

Edited 1554643926
Great video!&nbsp; Trying to implement it... &nbsp;OK, doesn't take too long to implement but it certainly adds a bit of work. Still, I think my idea has merit... There is certainly info there that would be tough to show, and the info is already entered into the sheet, so you wouldn't need to set up macros for each character and each mook. But thanks for the link. Appreciate it.
This is a great idea! +1! (My own dream is that this idea will be even better when Roll20 allows subscribers to import character data (XML,CSV,TXT) from local files made by third party character management tools. Then I'd be beatific!)&nbsp;
OK, Spren... I've been using the Token Action macro suggestion and I'll say that it works pretty well. But, it's not without a considerable amount of effort when it comes to setting up monsters. I've watched Cody's videos on setting up templates and that helps too, but there is still an amount of work to make sure the final NPC character sheet and the Token Action buttons are correct (mostly because of the off action numbering in the character sheet)... So there is all that. Next, I am setting up the Token Actions for all my players (since they don't particularly want to learn Macros at this stage) and I have a sneaking suspicion that all these macros are going to have to be changed once they character goes up a proficiency bonus, or changes their weapons, or... Changes their spells, or... Seemingly any number of changes they make.... Holy cow!!! What work am I putting on myself?! :( In short, I stand by my suggestion and hope I get at least the minimum 10 votes to keep it alive for any spare votes once development is complete on some of the bigger voted items.

Edited 1555350226
Sheet Author
Yeah it's a bunch of work. If you're only doing a few it's perfect but otherwise it can be tedious. There are api scripts that can create them for you if you are a pro. But in the end I am with you, it would be nice if it was automatic and just pulled from your sheet like in your image.
Come on folks... Another few votes to keep this from being closed.&nbsp; Surely there are plenty of votes attached to suggestions that are already in development. Those are wasted votes. Please consider flicking one here. :)
Bump... Come on folks... A couple more votes so this keeps alive... Please...
Woot! We made the minimum 10 votes to keep this from being archived! Thanks, everyone. Now as higher voted items get developed and release, hoping those votes will get returned (is that how it works?) and some of those votes come this way. Making macros is fun (kinda) and all, but I'd rather I just get on with playing, with the system giving me the data I need to see, with a single click. :)
Sheet Author
API Scripter
I think its an intriguing idea, but I can't see how it would be implemented. As mentioned earlier, every system's character sheet is different, and I cant see an easy way to make this universal. Roll20 could add some extra options in the html, so sheet designers could tag a button as an attack, and add tags for what information to display, and then sheet writers would have to update their sheets to work with it. But it's not simple.
Appreciate the input from a Sheet Author. As I said above, I only play 5e, but pretty soon I'll be looking in on a game of Star Wars on this system so will have at least a little more experience. Now, as I asked above (but didn't get a reply), doesn't every RPG have combat and therefore you need to be able to record what actions are Attacks? Would you be so kind as to put up a screenshot of some other game system sheet so I can get an idea what there is to work with?
Sheet Author
No, they don't.&nbsp; And some "attacks" use totally different mechanics of success like a percentage.&nbsp; Some systems divide damage up between different parts of the body based on dice roll.&nbsp; Some systems (especially superhero systems) tend to have actions that just create disadvantages because character death isn't generally on the table, even if those actions are attacks. I may not have the tag (because it isn't on the drop down list), but I am also a sheet author using a sheet I created for myself.&nbsp; Since most sheets here are made by random people (like me), this would require everyone who has made (or is maintaining) a sheet to change their code to comply with whatever this sort of thing would need.&nbsp; That is a pretty tall order.&nbsp; Especially considering that some of the sheets have toggles to switch between several similar systems and each toggled sheet would need updated as well.&nbsp; In case you aren't aware of the number of sheets currently on the github, you can find the list (and see the code) here:&nbsp; GitHub - Roll20/roll20-character-sheets: Character sheet templates created by the community for use in Roll20.
Kraynic said: No, they don't.&nbsp; And some "attacks" use totally different mechanics of success like a percentage.&nbsp; Some systems divide damage up between different parts of the body based on dice roll.&nbsp; Some systems (especially superhero systems) tend to have actions that just create disadvantages because character death isn't generally on the table, even if those actions are attacks. &nbsp;In case you aren't aware of the number of sheets currently on the github, you can find the list (and see the code) here:&nbsp; GitHub - Roll20/roll20-character-sheets: Character sheet templates created by the community for use in Roll20. Holy mackerel! No, I wasn't aware there were that many sheets! Thanks for showing that to me. As a sheet author yourself, if Roll20 was to come out with any sort of new functionality that required a change to your sheet, I suppose you wouldn't take advantage of it, then, since it would be too much hassle? I'm no programmer, but I'm sure that the sheets have some sort of way to distinguish whether an action is something that is... I don't know what term to use other than... "clickable to make it do stuff" in whatever system you are making sheets for. Like, in your superhero thing, I guess there are no things you want to click on to make it do stuff? I guess that's fine and so maybe there would be a way to not show this new "Attack Options" button for those kinds of systems? Like, if you create a sheet, you would need to specifically set a new variable at the top (maybe call it "#Do_that_Attack_Options_button_thing") and set it to TRUE, then you get the Attack Options button and any Actions with the "attack" option checked would show up. That would be the best for everyone, then. You don't need to modify your sheets, and we get to spend more time playing/DMing rather than coding macros! Win - Win!! (Hey, I think I'm getting the hang of this coding thing... I think I just set my first variable! Move over Microsoft! ;)
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Mark &nbsp;said: As a sheet author yourself, if Roll20 was to come out with any sort of new functionality that required a change to your sheet, I suppose you wouldn't take advantage of it, then, since it would be too much hassle? That strikes me as unnecessarily sarcastic.&nbsp; Of course sheet writers will be keen to take advantage of new features, if they add to the sheet.&nbsp; We're just pointing out how difficult it will be to do this, especially when a similar feature does already exist , that players can take advantage of, called Token Actions. And in fact, it's possible for sheet creators to build in token actions to their sheets, but it is universally regarded as a bad idea, because of the way they have been implemented, and players reactions to them. If you include them in a sheet, there's no way for sheet users to disable them, so the sheet creator is forcing users to use the specific actions he has created, and users want the flexibility to choose what they display. So it's really not as simple or straightforward as you think.
KS Backer
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Mark- You should definitely look into macros, specifically Token Actions, as the core of what you're asking for exists today across the board. If you're just looking for a way to have the button from the sheet available from the tabletop, all you need to do is drag them to the macro bar! As a player that is generally good enough, but as a GM you'll want to take the extra step to copy the macros those buttons execute into a token action. The best part is you'll get very familiar with roll templates and macros very quickly and be able to slap them together and reuse them as needed without much effort.

Edited 1557837107
GiGs said: Of course sheet writers will be keen to take advantage of new features, if they add to the sheet.&nbsp; Are you sure? Three out of three sheet authors so far have not liked the idea and either whined it would be too much like hard work or pointed to Token Actions which I have already pointed out is still more work for DMs and players that is literally repeating the data entry that is in the sheet into macros. Seems like a waste of effort and unnecessary duplication. Not to mention that token actions start getting crazy how many you can have, and screen real estate is always a premium. It's an elegant solution that I'm sure could be improved on and the Sheet Authors, with their advanced knowledge and experience in both macros and the inner workings of the dark sorcery of sheets, could actually contribute to how it could be implemented so as NOT to affect their Superhero sheets that don't have attack options. I'm sorry if I came off sarcastic, but really, if you don't have anything positive to say on an idea to make it better or refine it, why bother commenting? Let the votes decide if it gets implemented, and help guide the implementation with constructive comments, or just move on. (Really should be a law of the Internet. :) PS. Go into the "Specific Use and Macros" forum and just do a search on "Attack Macro"... How many do you find? That tells me there are a LOT of frustrated people that are not programers like you, and are wrestling with the system to make it do what could easily be added right next to the token to just GET THE JOB DONE. And isn't that the whole point of Roll20 - to take the tedium out of systems and automate it as much as possible so we can do the combat easily.

Edited 1557841048
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Mark said: I'm sorry if I came off sarcastic, but really, if you don't have anything positive to say on an idea to make it better or refine it, why bother commenting? Let the votes decide if it gets implemented, and help guide the implementation with constructive comments, or just move on. (Really should be a law of the Internet. :) My 2 cents on that: Not all feedback needs to be a echo chamber of positive reinforcement. Constructive criticism and pointing out the technical limitations, and the wide breadth of sheets, options, and the wide range of way sheets are built to make this a 'swiss army knife' approach that all sheet can use easily, is a valid contribution to topic on the viability and achievability of the goal. Talking and discussing to find the easiest and most painless way, and working out the logistics of the approach it isnt detrimental. The best example I can give is this: It seems like an easy goal from the end point user perspective, and is possible. But its akin to going to a car mechanic with your car and going "Slap some wings on it so it can fly". Its doable, but the mechanic pointing out "We will need to reconsider the whole fundamental aspect of it being a car that wasn't made from the ground up with flying in mind". Is in no way an invalid statement on the amount of effort needed to add wings to it. And I do agree, it would be a nice addition, but one of 2 things would have to happen so its system agnostic. Either the Roll20 devs add options for nearly ever case of how sheet authors could add attacks so it 'just works' with a bit of tweaking to a sheet (which would be a daunting task for the team).&nbsp; Or Roll 20 devs set a standard for what they consider an attack macro/button/field/attribute on a sheet so it can find it. And all sheet authors redo sheets to fit that standard.(which would be a daunting task for the authors,deciding what the general population considers a important enough attack to add).&nbsp; Right now there is no way to tell the difference between an attack, a skill check, or really any button on the sheet as an attack, or a frequent enough needed combat roll to validate adding it to a token menu. For example in my pathfinder game, if they just went off the idea anything that has the word 'attack' in the rolltemplate, some of my players would be surrounded in a ballpit of buttons on the token. As they add double attacks, single attacks, power attacks, spell attacks, melee attacks, CMB attacks and such so they have any option they may need once a month ready to go. They could add the option for a checkbox to show which attacks you want on the token. But that goes back to the second option, some sheet creators having to redo the entire combat/attack part of the sheet (as space/div/layout would change) to add that checkbox. So I think the discussion of 'how can this be done' and 'Just reply if you want it done' is both applicable and constructive.
DXWarlock said: So I think the discussion of 'how can this be done' and 'Just reply if you want it done' is both applicable and constructive. Agreed, and I appreciate the insight you have brought. I see what you mean by the task that would be involved with having a checkbox on a sheet to make it appear in the Token Attack Options... But again I think it would be possible to do it in a way that doesn't *break* any existing sheet and if you want to implement this option for your users, then yes, there would be some work involved - but all down to Sheet Authors prerogative as to whether they bother or not. The time and frustration saved with the users, I think would be worth it. And if one Sheet Author doesn't implement it - well there is always another new sheet author that wants you to use his/her sheet that WILL implement new options. Free market, and all that... :)
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Mark said: GiGs said: Of course sheet writers will be keen to take advantage of new features, if they add to the sheet.&nbsp; Are you sure? Three out of three sheet authors so far have not liked the idea and either whined it would be too much like hard work or pointed to Token Actions which I have already pointed out is still more work for DMs and players that is literally repeating the data entry that is in the sheet into macros. Seems like a waste of effort and unnecessary duplication.&nbsp; that person you;re replying to there, me, is one of the people you are characterising as whining , (I'm the one who mentioned token actions) despite also having offered explanations about why this is harder than you think, and also having offered constructive commentary on how it could be done (look up at my first post in this thread). I'm done talking to you.&nbsp;

Edited 1557844919
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Mark said: The time and frustration saved with the users, I think would be worth it. And if one Sheet Author doesn't implement it - well there is always another new sheet author that wants you to use his/her sheet that WILL implement new options. Free market, and all that... :) They discourage multiple different sheets for the same system. I'm not against the idea, not at all. Just curious how it would impact the sheets as they stand. The suggestion isn't really friendly to a system agnostic standpoint (there are some systems one attack can take 4-5+ variants). It would take some tip toeing on implementation as to not alienate/discourage one set of players from another.&nbsp; Say someone added it to a sheet, it effects everyone using it. Its like auto user macros. For everyone that loves it, there is a player that does not like the clutter. They would need a tactful approach on how to make it optional, and still functional for the wide range of sheets. If we can nail down a way to do it that seems to not split the community in half there is a better chance it will be looked into by Roll20. I was just trying to encourage feedback of how these obstacles would be crossed. Not just ignore there is obstacles to cross.
DXWarlock said: They would need a tactful approach on how to make it optional, and still functional for the wide range of sheets. If we can nail down a way to do it that seems to not split the community in half there is a better chance it will be looked into by Roll20. I was just trying to encourage feedback of how these obstacles would be crossed. Not just ignore there is obstacles to cross. And as I said, I appreciate and am grateful for your input and insight. You have been the only Author so far that has contributed in a positive way. I agree 100% with your sentiments and logical path for this to be implemented. It will not get off the ground if there isn't a method where 1) it is not optional if people don't want to use it or their Sheet does not allow for it until it is updated, and 2) it is system agnostic and allows for as much as the variants as possible, if not all of them. And I thank you again for bringing to light the way other systems handle combat, because again, I am not familiar with the systems, nor the possibilities of Sheets and their programming. Your kind of input is exactly what is needed and if this idea gets implemented, I will personally thank you again. :) Now, can I pester you for a screenshot of how "Attack Actions" look in any other sheet other than the 5e OGL one that I use and have screenshotted above? You mentioned "variants" to an attack; can you elaborate? And as a "shooting from the hip" response, would my idea be helped with "fly out sub-menu options" to these "variant attacks"?&nbsp; As in (without knowing what they actually are), something like this: Dagger Attack ----+ Standard body attack Sword Attack&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; + Called shot attack to the eye! Crossbow&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; + With a cool flourish to impress the ladies I can whip up a graphic to explain better what i mean by sub-menus but hope I understood your system.
Sheet Author
This will be my last reply here, which will probably make both of us happier. Mark said: It's an elegant solution that I'm sure could be improved on and the Sheet Authors, with their advanced knowledge and experience in both macros and the inner workings of the dark sorcery of sheets, could actually contribute to how it could be implemented so as NOT to affect their Superhero sheets that don't have attack options. PS. Go into the "Specific Use and Macros" forum and just do a search on "Attack Macro"... How many do you find? That tells me there are a LOT of frustrated people that are not programers like you, and are wrestling with the system to make it do what could easily be added right next to the token to just GET THE JOB DONE. And isn't that the whole point of Roll20 - to take the tedium out of systems and automate it as much as possible so we can do the combat easily. First, just because someone writes a sheet doesn't mean they know that much about html, css, or sheetworker scripts.&nbsp; If you scroll down the github list, the only ones you can be sure were made by someone who really knew what they were doing are ones labeled "by Roll20".&nbsp; A few others have been made (or updated) by Roll20 staff due to personal interest, but are not officially supported by Roll20.&nbsp; The rest are made by random people on the internet.&nbsp; I started with a sheet that was created for a game by the same publisher as the game I wanted to run.&nbsp; It was written over 4 years ago, and the json sheet in the repo has this statement: This is a basic Palladium Megaverse character sheet and was created out of sheer desperation by the good graces of John W. for the benefit of Roll20's Palladium Magaverse players. This is a no-frills sheet and is essentially a place holder for character's information. Please feel free to update this sheet to make it all that it could be. The sheet was functional, but the only thing it had going for it was that it was the only one.&nbsp; I have had no training at all in html, or css, let alone writing scripts.&nbsp; I started out editing that sheet, and eventually learned enough about sheet structure on these forums to realize that I really needed to rewrite the sheet.&nbsp; It has taken me a year and a half to rewrite this sheet in a form that works for me, uses the (as far as I can tell) currently correct structures of html and css, has its own roll template (simple though it may be), and auto calculates some values from stats.&nbsp; I am nearly to the point where I may post it for others more experienced that I to look over in case some things can be cleaned up or simplified before I attempt to submit it on github.&nbsp; You know, just in case there is some other person out there who likes running/playing a game that has been out of print for 25 years. That is why I am using Roll20, because (while it takes work) I can run games that are not officially supported without jumping through any hoops that I can't learn.&nbsp; It may have changed, but I once looked at how you have to set up custom stuff in Fantasy Grounds, and I haven't looked since, because it looked incredibly difficult.&nbsp; I have an interest in Roll20 continuing to be mainly system agnostic. Mark said: The time and frustration saved with the users, I think would be worth it. And if one Sheet Author doesn't implement it - well there is always another new sheet author that wants you to use his/her sheet that WILL implement new options. Free market, and all that... :) While I am running Palladium Fantasy 1st Edition, there is still a Palladium Fantasy game that is current.&nbsp; The publisher is still active, though Rifts is their main game.&nbsp; Rifts has a sheet, but it doesn't have integrated rolls at all (unless it has had updates since I last looked).&nbsp; So, it is a still actively developed publisher and game system that has had 2 sheets on github.&nbsp; One was written in 2014 and updated in 2015.&nbsp; The other was written and last updated in late 2015.&nbsp; Where are these sheet authors you speak of?&nbsp; Have you looked at the sheet request thread?&nbsp; You might change your mind about how many authors there are, and the amount of complexity they are willing to volunteer themselves for.&nbsp; And it is exactly a volunteer thing.&nbsp; This would be why your attitude is rubbing some people the same way. I could log onto one of my games and take screens of my sheet.&nbsp; I could log into a Mutants &amp; Masterminds game I am in (superhero game based on D&amp;D) and take screens of that sheet.&nbsp; I could log into one of the Pathfinder games I am in and take screens of that sheet.&nbsp; However, you could easily create games with the Pathfinder official sheet, community sheet, and Cazra sheet (those 3 give a cross section of the main sheets available for that system).&nbsp; You could created a game with the M&amp;M sheet.&nbsp; You could make a game with the Palladium Megaverse sheet.&nbsp; And then you would be able to see the sheets for yourself. As far as game mechanics go, I don't see how we could educate you on those since you don't seem interested in any viewpoint other than your own. One other thing to keep in mind.&nbsp; Just because something gets votes doesn't mean it gets done, or gets done in an certain time frame or order.&nbsp; Everything in this section of the forums with the tag "Not Now" may very well never happen.&nbsp; Votes don't guarantee anything, nor do they force Roll20 to develop anything, nor do votes have anything to do with how difficult creating a certain feature might be. On another note, are your players aware they can (in their macro tab of the journal) enable a macro bar beneath where the player name plates are and drag macros from their sheet to that bar?&nbsp; All their basic stuff can be done that way unless you are needing to customize each macro.&nbsp; Then it is on your players to set up their bars as they desire, and it isn't something you do at all.&nbsp; Once they have it on the bar, they can right click on the macro to rename it, set a custom color, or drag them to reorder the buttons. Good luck with your games.

Edited 1557880359
Kraynic said: This will be my last reply here, which will probably make both of us happier. However, you could easily create games with the Pathfinder official sheet, community sheet, and Cazra sheet (those 3 give a cross section of the main sheets available for that system).&nbsp; You could created a game with the M&amp;M sheet.&nbsp; You could make a game with the Palladium Megaverse sheet.&nbsp; And then you would be able to see the sheets for yourself. As far as game mechanics go, I don't see how we could educate you on those since you don't seem interested in any viewpoint other than your own. Apart from the snide remark of me not being interested in any other viewpoint (which is clearly not the case since I have taken on suggestions to modify my idea and have show appreciation for constructive input) I do appreciate your reply and I thank you for the suggestion of creating games with each of those sheets. I hadn't thought of that, actually. Cheers!! So there you go... You CAN have a positive input even if you don't initially like the idea! All you have to do is have a little respect and think positively and the world will be a better place. Really, why can't we all just get along? :) PS. Did you notice that I have started on my path to Coding with creating a variable called #Do_that_Attack_Options_button_thing that if not set to TRUE, would not affect existing sheets that don't/can't use the Attack Options functionality? See, I care for you Sheet Authors, too. (And yes, I'm aware of the Macro Bar and I think it's ugly.)
Sheet Author
+1 Nice suggestion. I'm not sure how it would get implemented exactly(that's ultimately up to the Devs...), but I like the idea.&nbsp; Luckily there are various options that have been presented here to get a similar result with the current system. That's a strong point of roll20's.&nbsp; To each his/her own. In the spirit of roll20's system agnostic approach, I might suggest allowing users to add "X" number of rolls (they don't have to be attacks, although I can see that being a common usage, or maybe your top 5 spells, whatever...) to the token as you have suggested.&nbsp;&nbsp;
Vince said: +1 In the spirit of roll20's system agnostic approach, I might suggest allowing users to add "X" number of rolls (they don't have to be attacks, although I can see that being a common usage, or maybe your top 5 spells, whatever...) to the token as you have suggested.&nbsp;&nbsp; Thanks, Vince. I totally agree. I was not at all suggesting that this should work for just one system, but I admit that I don't have experience with any others but for D&amp;D 5e. That said, a helpful Sheet Author has given me a good suggestion on how I could check out the other systems which I will do and then come back and modify my original post to be more inclusive and not so discriminatory and [xxx]phobic. ;) BTW, Spells get added to the 5e Sheet as "Attacks" as well... So I'm envisioning at this stage that the list that appears after you click on the Attack Options button simply shows everything that has the "Attack checkbox" clicked on. The screenshot below is from the 5e sheet after I added some spells from the compendium and these entries were made automatically by the Sheet. (Those clever little Sheet Authors worked their fingers to the bone for this sheet! :)
Kraynic said: &nbsp; You could make a game with the Palladium Megaverse sheet.&nbsp; And then you would be able to see the sheets for yourself.&nbsp; OK, so I've created a Warhammer game and one of those Palladium games and both seem to have things the characters do that I would consider "Attacks" that I would like to make easier to get to. Admittedly, the Palladium one is so basic I can't see anyone wanting to enhance that with ANY new capabilities, let alone this one I am suggesting, so its probably a moot point, but here is my "mockup" of how I would expect it to be implemented, IF the sheet author wants to take advantage of this new Attack Option button I am suggesting. Again, this would be an OPTIONAL system that sheets would have to be modified to take advantage of it. (I know that's a lot of work, but sometimes it's worth it to reach your goals!) So basically, the sheet author of this amazing bit of coding would have to add a checkbox that lists it as an "attack" and if it is, then it gets listed as an option that flies out when you click on the Attack Options button. I tell ya, I think I'm really getting the hang of this programming lark! I'm making variables, creating mockups... Maybe I should skip the boring coding part and aim straight for Technical Director or something? I got this in the bag! "Hello, Orr Group? You got any openings?" ;)
Hello all, Just a friendly reminder. Please be sure to follow all the&nbsp; Code of Conduct , &nbsp;including the Posting to Suggestions &amp; Ideas Supplemental Guidelines &nbsp;which state:&nbsp; Don't debate the suggestion's merit, and don't discuss why it will or will not happen. That stifles conversation in the Suggestions Forum. DO: Inform of potential workarounds or similar suggestions that already exist. Be respectful of the original poster. Expand upon the original suggestion. Describe what you would do with the suggestion in your game and with your group. DON'T: Post a comment about why you don't like a suggestion. Post about why you think a suggestion is unnecessary, unworthy, or not important. Predict the response of the Dev Team or the likelihood that a suggestion will be implemented. Debate a posted workaround. Thank you for your understanding.&nbsp;
Dragon Dreamer said: Thank you for your understanding.&nbsp; All good... Appreciate the heads up about the extra rules about suggestions. Wasn't aware of those... But I don't think anyone was out of line too much and they did (in their own way) point out that there is a lot to consider when adding any new feature.

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+1, I agree with this idea, to an extent. Personally, I think the only real fix that needs to be implemented is to allow us to drag Attacks from the character sheet directly into the Token Action list, rather than this whole work around where we have to click and drag the attack from the character sheet to the Quick Macro Bar on the bottom, click the macro, and then copy and past the command details from the chat into the Token Action list. Why not just allow us to click and drag attacks from the character sheet directly into the Token Action list? For clarification for anyone who doesn't understand my suggestion - When you have token actions and you click on the token it generates a list (in the top left corner of the screen) of all the available token actions linked to that token through the selected character sheet. This list looks very similar to the Quick Macro Bar that is on the bottom of the screen when it is enabled. Why not just enable us to click and drag attacks directly from the character sheet into the Token Action "Macro Bar" in the top left?