My suggestion is to add a checkbox for "Include streamed games" in the Find Games to Join. There already are checkboxes for : Only find games that welcome new players Show games with Mature Content(18+) Only find games that are Free to Play. ...and my thought is that it could be positioned there. This would of course require GMs to add this info to their games description. Streaming games is really cool, but to some people it can be a deal-breaker, and it is important to have clear information about it. I am suggesting a checkbox instead of simply writing it in in the description because written information is not always easy to understand. -Some people simply aren't that good at writing -Others have problems with reading due to disabilities, dyslexia, or language-barriers. -Information might be lost in a wall of text ....and some people might even try to hide it behind vague language. (though I havent experienced this so far)