Hello, I'm new to macros and have been trying for over an hour to get a macro to work. I don't know what I'm doing wrong. this is the code I'm working on. I only need damage. I removed the attack roll since that handled by a different ability. I need the movement to be added to the damage. Movement is handled by the player since it from the intended distance they were moving before the collision with the other object. &{template:default} {{name=Ramming/Crashing Damage}} {{?{Ship Size|Awesome, [[20d6 + ?{Movement?|0}]]|Colossal, [[16d6 + ?{Movement?|0}]]|Gargantuan, [[12d6 + ?{Movement?|0}]]|Huge, [[8d6 +?{Movement?|0}]]|Large, [[4d6 + ?{Movement?|0}]]|Medium or smaller, [[?{Movement?|0}]]}} This code is for a spelljammer campaign and I don't want my players or my co-dm to have to look up how to ramming over and over again every time we use it, which really should't be often. Thank you anyone that can help me. I tried changing it to &{template:default} {{name=Ramming/Crashing Damage}} {{?{Ship Size|Awesome, [[20d6]]|Colossal, [[16d6]]|Gargantuan, [[12d6]]|Huge, [[8d6]]|Large, [[4d6]]|Medium or smaller, [[0d6]]}} + {{[[?{Movement?|0}]]}} but it still doesn't add the movement or even roll damage, what am I doing wrong