The Roll20 initiative tracker can already use playing cards for initiative. However, it would be very useful for character sheet authors if we could code in a macro to deal a card to the initiative tracker for a specific character rather than requiring the GM to manually deal to the initiative tracker. Something like: /d deck-name &{tracker} Of course, additional card chat commands would be useful as well (deal to a player/character, play from a hand, reshuffle, etc), but the initiative tracker is a place where it would really benefit from this, especially for systems like Savage Worlds and Deadlands. EDIT: The above is the most basic implementation. After talking with Aaron, my ideal implementation would be to just allow cards to be rolled ala rollable tables. In fact, really just implement as rollable tables. The command syntax that Aaron suggested is pretty good: /r 1c[deck-name]
/r 1c[dec-name] &{tracker}
[[1c[deck-name]]] or [[1c[deck-name] &{tracker} If &{tracker} isn't used, then the cards would be dealt to the triggering player. Ideally there should be a way to target a player as well.