There are two main 5e sheets and a couple of outliers. D&D 5th Edition by Roll20 This is the official sheet, and will always have the highest compatibility with Roll20 features. It has some quirks and shortcomings, but it is almost certainly your best bet, long-term. It is probably the most adopted sheet on Roll20. Shaped for DnD 5e This sheet is undeniably the most powerful, and has the most robust script, should you ever decide to go pro. This was my sheet of choice for many year. It is no longer underdevelopment, and as years go on will likely become less compatible with Roll20 features. It cannot use the Charactermancer. Beyond that there is 5e Community Sheet This sheet once entertained some popularity, but hasn't been touched for years. It is not very compatible with Roll20 systems. Darker Dungeons I'm not too familiar with this one. It's very clean and apparently modular, but is designed for some specific 5e variants. If you are looking for a recommendation, I would say to use D&D 5th Edition by Roll20. It has the most regular support, development and is the one you see the most video tutorials about. It does has some flaws, particularly as you become more proficient in coding, but it's probably the best choice.