Hi! For the system that I've created a character sheet for there is a very powerful tool to create characters. This tool saves the character sheets as xml. I added a functionality to my sheet to import these characters. Since there is currently no option to upload a XML file via Roll20 (e.g. into the character vault) the user has to paste the character data into my sheet. Currently I make him convert the character from XML to JSON beforehand and then simply convert the string with JSON.parse(). Now I'd like to save the users the pain to converting the file and directly parse the XML into the character sheet. I made some research about how to parse XML with JavaScript and came across the DOMParser, but sadly the character sheet stops working if I declare one. For JSON handling there is the JSON-object that doesn't need to be declared and just works out of the box but I couldn't find anything equivalent for XML handling. Is there such option? How would you parse a raw XML text? Any help is very welcome!