Gosh-dang, it's been a while since I've updated any my scripts, hasn't it? I've got a brand new update for the Marching Order script which I'm sure ya'll are going to enjoy. For those unfamiliar, the Marching Order script lets you establish a marching order for a group of tokens to follow behind their leader. What's changed? Before, the Marching Order script just moved tokens following each other to the next waypoint in the movement whenever the leader moved. Now, everything operates by seamless marching order formations. Everyone stays grouped together into smooth, arbitrary marching formations. These formations need not necessarily be in a single file line. That's right! Now tokens can form marching formations side-by-side, further to the back, a little bit ahead, or anywhere else relative to the leader of the formation. Wherever the leader moves, the rest of the tokens will follow along in that formation. It even works with moving diagonally and around corners (and diagonally around corners). Check out this new demo gif! The Script The script is now available through the One-Click API library. Dependencies The Marching Order script now depends on the Vector Math and Token Collision scripts. Please make sure these scripts are installed before trying to use the new version of this script. The Docs See the copy-pasta'ed docs below: 3.1 Updates * Added button for creating ad-hoc formations that aren't saved. * Added button for making one token follow another at some set distance as an ad-hoc formation. * Reorganized the menu a little bit. * Formations will only look for their tokens on the objects layer when they are applied. v3.0 Updates * The script has been reworked entirely. Marching orders now work based upon formations formed when you tell a group of tokens to follow a leader. * You can now save multiple formations and load them up to be used later. This script allows you to select tokens and tell them to follow each other in some specified marching formation. Marching orders are defined by formations, where there is a leader token and one or more follower tokens. When you set tokens to follow a leader, it will record their position relative to the leader in that formation, and they'll maintain that position as the leader moves. This formation is maintained even when the leader travels around corners. Chat Menu When the script is installed, it will create a macro called 'MarchingOrderMenu'. This macro will display a menu in the chat that provides the user interface for the script. Below is documentation for each of the menu items: Ad-Hoc Formations The following menu items allow you to create one-time-use marching formations. Ad-Hoc Formations -> Follow This button allows you to have a token simply follow behind another. First, select the token that you want to be the follower, then click the Follow button. Next, click the token you want them to follow. Then in the prompt that appears, enter how far behind you want them to follow (leave as 0 to follow directly behind them). Be advised of the following gotchas: * A token can't follow behind another if the other token already has followers. Ad-Hoc Formations -> Ad-Hoc Formation To form a one-time-use formation, use this button. To create a new marching order formation, select a group of tokens, with one of them having either the black-flag or flying-flag status marker active. That token will be the leader of the formation. (See Moving in Formation below) Then click the Ad-Hoc Formation button in the chat menu. It will ask you to enter which direction the formation is facing at the time you've created it. This marching formation will be applied to the selected tokens. Be advised of the following gotchas: * You must have one of the selected tokens have either the 'black-flag' or 'flying flag' status marker. This is used to designate the leader of the formation. Saved Formations Under this section of the chat menu, you can view the formations you have previously created. The formations each displayed in a boxed area with their name, a preview of the formation, and some buttons to either use the formation or delete it. The previews display the marching orders proceeding westward. Saved Formations - > New formation This button allows you to create a formation and save it for future use. To create a new marching order formation, select a group of tokens, with one of them having either the black-flag or flying-flag status marker active. That token will be the leader of the formation. (See Moving in Formation below) Then click the New Formation button in the chat menu. It will ask you to enter which direction the formation is facing at the time you've created it, and it will ask you to give a name for the new formation. This marching formation will be applied to the selected tokens and it will also be saved for future use (See Saved Formations). Be advised of the following gotchas: * You must have one of the selected tokens have either the 'black-flag' or 'flying flag' status marker. This is used to designate the leader of the formation. * Each new formation must have a unique name. Saved Formations -> Use Click this button to use the previously saved marching formation. It will be applied to the relevant tokens on the page that currently has the players ribbon. Be advised of the following gotchas: * All of the tokens in the formation must be on the current page. If a token is missing, the script will yell at you for it, but the rest of the tokens will be allowed to move in formation. * There can't be duplicates of any tokens in the formation on the current page. Saved Formations -> Delete Click this button to delete the previously saved marching formation. Other Actions Other Actions -> Stop Following To stop all the active marching formations, click the Stop All Following button in the chat menu. Other Actions -> Clear Script State If you'd like to start afresh with a whole blank state for the Marching Order script, you can click the Clear Script State button to reset the script to its factory settings. Moving in Formation When a marching formation is applied, all the tokens relevant to the formation will begin following their leader in that formation. When the leader moves, the other tokens in the formation will move along with them, according to their position in the formation. Stepping out of Formation You can remove a token from an active formation at any time by just moving it manually. That token will no longer move along with the other tokens in that formation.