There are two ways to get in a sheet worker - using the getSectionIDs function, and using eventInfo.sourceAttribute. Do you have any sheet workers that do anything with the repeating section yet? If so, it would be best to roll it into them. If not, try this on('change:repeating_melee:attack1_ammo_max change:repeating_melee:attack1_ammo', function(eventInfo) { getAttrs(['repeating_melee_Attack1_ID'], function(values) { // get the id that is already in each attribute name
// full names are always like repeating_melee_-567fghvy6_attack1_ammo, and the ID is always after the second underscore. const id = eventInfo.sourceAttribute.split('_')[2] || ''; // get the ID saved in the destination attribute if any const ID = values.repeating_melee_Attack1_ID; // if no saved ID exists, or it differs from the one in the actual attribute name, save it. if(!ID || ID != id) { setAttrs({ repeating_melee_Attack1_ID: id }); } }); }); By the way, I would recommend you change your repeating section name from repeating_Melee to repeating_melee. Upper case letters in repeating section names can cause issues with roll buttons, and using those sections in macros. The above code assumes you do that. Edit: corrected a typo in the code.