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Savage Worlds Initiative Support

Score + 91

Edited 1604332297
Please add a more viable way to handle Savage Worlds initiative. Savage Worlds uses cards for initiative from highest (Ace) to lowest (Deuce) with the Joker as a special card that always is able to go first (or whenever the character wishes). In case of a tie the order is Spades, Hearts, Diamonds, Clubs. Characters can go on Hold to have their turn later in the initiative. Characters can also have certain abilities that make then draw two (Level Headed) or three (Improved Level Headed) cards and take the highest (or lowest (except jokers) if the character has a certain Hindrance (Hesitant)) or redraw every card that is lower than 6 (Quick). Initiative is redrawn every time all characters and foes have taken their turn (after each round) or actively decided to stay on Hold (those won't get a new card in the next round). I'd like the Roll20 team to make a feature to: Deal cards to players and characters based on their respective abilities (Level Headed, Improved Level Headed, Quick and Hesitant) Automatically sort by order and suit (in case of a tie) without having the GM to manually sort or pressing multiple buttons to sort with the characters on Hold (see below) apearing first in the order. Shuffle the deck after a round in which the deck became empty or a joker is drawn. Redraw cards with a button press at the end of a round. Let everyone in the order to go on hold. For Pro users there is a scipt which does that:&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> But I think that native support for a game system that is among the most selling isn't too much to ask for. I do realise that Savage Worlds uses a rather unique way to deal with initiative but many players would profit from this and it would probably bring more (potentially paying) customers to Roll20. Roll20 would profit from them as much as the community does from having more players available to play their games with. I'm currently a free user of Roll20 but would make a plus subscription for a whole year the moment this is implemented as it would make Roll20 the best service to deal with tabletop gaming online as well as offline (but this single API script isn't enough for me to spend the 100 bucks on a Pro subscription which is a lot for a student). I'm positive a lot of Savage Worlds players would think the same way. Please make this happen. Make Roll20 more viable for players of the imo best roleplaying game system on this planet. Edit: My workaround is: Foundry VTT. Awesome support for Savage Worlds and a great VTT all in all. I like it far better than Roll20, switched to it in May 2020 and never looked back.
You have my vote
Having to finagle initiative in r20 with Savage Worlds is a pain, which sucks for my favorite system. You have my vote.
i'm voting yes!&nbsp; Please make this happen.
Yes, please.&nbsp; you have my vote.
Savage Worlds is a fantastic vanilla system&nbsp; Roll20 is supposed to be the best vanilla virtual tabletop that handles anything&nbsp; Roll20 should definitely support Savage worlds at a basic free level&nbsp; 👍
I just moved my Savage Worlds game online and I would definitely use this feature&nbsp;
This has my vote. Planning on doing a savage worlds campaign in the near future, and the current system for it is quite janky.

Edited 1586470191
Agreed. SW is my favorite system for non-fantasy RPG. It is heavier on the roll-play that some of the more mechanics-intense systems. Also very easy for the GM to generate stuff on the spot if no map is needed (and it often isn't).
SW is a game I really want to get into, especially sense my group cannot meet. Anything that can make the game better is always a plus in my mind.&nbsp;
Nevermind, Foundry VTT has better support for Savage Worlds in almost any regard. I switched a month after posting this and never looked back. Kind of sad, that the support on Roll20 is so lackluster for my favorite system, but that's how it is.&nbsp;
Have my vote so i can have a real initative table.
and my vote
I may have to check out Foundry VTT. While I still enjoy Roll20, support for Savage Worlds is lack lustre. Considering the new Savage Pathfinder Kickstarter will be releasing a Roll20 module, I would hope that kicks you in the butt to fix the initiative system.
3 years since the last post and the initiative system for savage worlds still is not properly supported in Roll20. Disappointing