Hello all, I'm going to run a new Vampire chronicle and I'm looking for a few players to join me. So far I have one potential player already and my absolute maximum will be 5. (EDITED: So far, 5 / 5 Potential Players - Looks like we're all full up, but if you're interested keep in touch to see if there's any change. I might even push the envelope to 6 players, but that's an extreme move as far as I'm concerned, still never hurts to ask ) About the Game in Short: This will be a Sabbat story, taking place in the dark reflection of New York City, where stalks a tale of forbidden hatred, bitter betrayal and darkness in broad daylight. It's about power and greed, bloodlust and mercy (...given or otherwise). About me as a Storyteller: I'm an experienced Vampire Storyteller, having both been one for several games over the last decade and playing my fair share of it. I'm drama-focused, interested mainly in a narrative experience, roleplaying and character-development. Mood, atmosphere and interesting characters are what's important to me - as well as occasional bursts of cinematic action. My time zone is GMT+2 (technically +3 with DST), though my schedule is fairly flexible right now. Technical Stuff: We'll be using Vampire: The Masquerade 20th Anniversary Edition. If you only know the 3rd/Revised Edition, that's fine - they're pretty identical save for a few changes that probably won't be too world-breaking for anyone. If you want to join: Age: 18+ A Microphone is NOT required (I lack a mic and cannot use one on my computer anyway). This will be mostly text-based in the chat. You should know Vampire at least a little - don't let it stop you from asking anyway if you don't, but there will be a preference. Character creation guidelines, the themes of the chronicle and the direction of the game will be given in a group discussion. I like accommodating my ideas with what my players want out of a game before I set stuff in stone.