Hello, I have a weird issue with labels.I am having the following roll: --Standard Action| ^^
[Roll](~@{character_name}|-power-1) @{power-1-name} ♦ @{power-1-useage} ^^
[Roll](~@{character_name}|-power-2) @{power-2-name} ♦ @{power-2-useage} ^^ The output URL looks something like this and takes me to a Page Not Found: <a href="https://app.roll20.net/editor/%3C/div%3Elay%20Scout%7CAction%20Point" rel="nofollow">https://app.roll20.net/editor/%3C/div%3Elay%20Scout%7CAction%20Point</a> The URL should look like this: <a href="https://app.roll20.net/editor/~Clay%20Scout%7CAction%20Point" rel="nofollow">https://app.roll20.net/editor/~Clay%20Scout%7CAction%20Point</a> I am using D&D 4E Character Sheet with Power Cards API. I don't understand why do I get that <div> tag there. It happens only when the name starts with letter "C". I have managed to find a workaround by putting a space before the name and it works. Other than that I am still curious why only for letter C names it does this. Help?