This is a brand new Adventurer's League-legal Oracle of War campaign. This campaign will include Salvage Bases and Missions.
Currently need 2 players.
This campaign goes from level 1 to level 20
This campaign will run 3 weeks per month with the last week off as we await release of new material.
Day: Tuesday
Time: 6pm EST (GMT-4)
Voice: Discord
New Players Welcome
Adventurer's League Rules
Legal Source Material: Players Handbook, Eberron Rising from the Last War, Xanathar's Guide
My rules:
1) Make each session
2) If running late - send a note
3) If you have to miss a session - send a note
4) Remember to respect one another. Disrespect toward other players for any reasons (in-character or out) will get you booted.
5) Pay attention and be engaged. You can't roleplay and play Xbox at the same time. If that's your thing - don't ask to join. Save us all the trouble.
Missing a session *infrequently* happens. If missing sessions becomes a habit, you will be replaced.
If you are interested, send me a message.