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Can I add homebrew items to the compendium?

Hi there! I played on Roll20 for the first time as a DM yesterday. With the help of a bought module from the marketplace, that went quite well. Now the module has a bunch of handouts, for example for the magic items the players find. We found out that you can't drag and drop a handout from the journal on the character sheet to add the item to the character sheet, but you can search for the item in the compendium and drag and drop the item from there. Very useful, especially for stuff like a magic sword that changes your attack and damage values. Now I had added one homebrew item to the handouts, a dagger +1 with a special property. And because that one isn't in the compedium, the player who got it could only add a regular dagger +1 to his character sheet, and the handout to his journal. Would there be a way for me to add my homebrew item to the compendium, so that my players can drag and drop them onto their character sheets? Is there a compendium edit function at all, and if yes, where?
Sheet Author
API Scripter
There's no way to add homebrew items to the compendium. Roll20 is (very slowly) working on the ability to give us homebrew compendiums, but that is likely months down the road.