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Youtube 10 Tips and Tricks not working

This guy has some great advice, but I'm finding several of his suggestions don't work, or my pages look different.&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> In particular, my NPC sheets don't have the option to Show Player. I also can't double click on the title bar and reduce it. Nothing happens. And lastly, he has that cool macro to show an image link, but when I push the macro button it only shows the code in the chat box, not the image. Any suggestions?&nbsp;&nbsp;
Sheet Author
Are your npc sheets popped out in their own window?&nbsp; I know they have to still be part of the VTT to minimize in double click.&nbsp; The "show to players" may require that as well.&nbsp;&nbsp; For that last question, you might want to post the image link and the code you used so that people can spot any problems.
Here is the orc pop screenshot.&nbsp; i don't see an option to Show Players
This is the image code macro, it just pastes the url I copied from the picture, as he said to do
I am a newbie to all this so still learning, so I'm probably doing something wrong
Sheet Author
Yes, you have it popped out in its own window, so it isn't embedded in the VTT anymore.&nbsp; There is a setting for automatically popping character sheets out in a separate window.&nbsp; If you have that option turned on, be aware that some things don't work when popped out like that (compendium drag/drop and charactermancer being prominent examples).

Edited 1586546881
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter
It looks like you need to close the image tag. Add a ")" after the ".png"
Where is that setting to toggle?&nbsp; What i have been doing is popping out NPC sheets and dragging them to a second monitor and leaving the big map monitor clear of clutter
Sheet Author
It is one of the options in the settings tab (the cog) in the right pane of your screen.
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter
That would also explain why the double click on the header wasn't minimizing.
I have a token selected, and I Shift double click to open the NPC sheet so I can see it's statblock

Edited 1586547095
Oh, I see!&nbsp; So I can now see Show Players.&nbsp; And I can minimize it now too
What about that macro code to show an image in the chat box?
So I copy the image url and paste it into the macro like this
oh Keith I missed your response, I will try to add the tag
This is the url I copy in <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
Thank you!&nbsp; That all worked
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter
Also, since you are a Pro user, here is an excellent little script you might make good use of. It posts the Character art in the bio of a selected token/character to chat. CharPic
Hmm. I tried to install a few of those but I couldn't get them to work.&nbsp;
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter
If you have never installed an API script, here is a handy video: How to Install Roll20 API Scripts If you are familiar with API scripts, what seems to be the issue with getting these to work?
I'm vaguely familiar with API, I did it last week for the first time.&nbsp;
Oh, I was pasting the code into a new macro command.&nbsp; I really don't know what i'm doing lol.&nbsp; But i'm learning
Well I installed a new API script from the one Aaron posted but I didn't notice anything different, so I must have done something wrong (again).