I've been slowly setting up a SpellFX character to handle all sorts of AOE spell templates and now that I've gotten around to Spirit Guardians, I've realized how nice some spinning functionality would be. There are a couple of hurdles to handing the players some nice shiny spinny stuff the way I'd like to though. 1. SpinTokens currently requires the IsGM script so players pushing a button with the command wouldn't do anything for them. I might be able to hack away at the script and remove that restriction, but it would be slow and brutal butchery, I'm sure. 2. SpinTokens doesn't currently have any way (that I can see) for designating targets by providing token_id, which I'd really love to have because I'm already using @{target} syntax to send Spirit Guardians to the map layer (where we won't have to worry about clicking it) and have the caster carry it around with CarryTokens. If neither of these things happens, it certainly won't be the end of the world, but if they're relatively quick changes that could be provided as options then I'd love to see it happen. Edit: Here's a link to the SpinTokens script , just in case anyone would like to have a look.